Hush!-Depeche Mode

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Emma hurriedly walked across the streets of Acton in the pouring rain. Of course it was raining, this was still the UK and there wouldn't be a day without rain. Her socks were drenched by the puddles she stepped in, but she didn't care. She wanted to go home as fast as she could and then just relax with her boyfriend - Alan. It had been an exhausting day at work and she couldn't wait to cuddle up against his warm body with a cup of tea and forget about everything.

She sighed in relief as she saw the front door of their house nearing and already pulled her keys out of her pocket. She peeked through the window to see the telly was on with football. Obviously QPR, Alan was such a fanboy when it came to them. She opened the door and dropped her coat on the heater so it would dry, kicked her shoes off and made her way into the living room.

"Hi Charlie!" She beamed, to be met by four heads swiftly turning around to look at her and bidding her hello. Their heads looked back to the television as fast as they looked at her. Emma chuckled, but felt disappointed. It wasn't everyday that she could come home with her boyfriend seated on the sofa and she loved those moments, but his bandmates had just kinda ruined that.

"Didn't know you guys were staying here too." She muttered, sounding harsher than she intended. Dave cocked an eyebrow at her and stood up.

"We can go y'know. If we're such a bother." He growled. The two didn't exactly get along well. If it wasn't for Alan, she would've killed him by now.

Emma groaned. "No, stay. Anyone fancy a beer?"

All four nodded and hummed and Emma was off to make herself a cup of tea while also grabbing four cold beers from the fridge. By the time she had opened them and given them to the lads, the kettle whistled and she gladly sat down in Alan's lap with her tea. She kissed his temple and he returned it with a satisfied grin. That meant QPR were winning. If they were losing, he would've cursed at everything.

"How are you guys?" Emma asked, trying to make some form of communication besides the occasional 'ooh' or 'come on!'

"Fine." Andy answered, getting a 'Shh!' From Martin who was carefully following the ball.

"Can I get you guys some snacks.. or?"

"Emma." Dave started. "We're watching footy, shut it, will ya?"

Emma swallowed and obeyed, watching it with them in order to distract herself from not breaking down in front of them. Alan noticed and gently started rubbing circles on her back. But that only made her feel worse. A few tears started creeping across her cheeks and she buried her head in the crook of Alan's neck.

"Oh god, is she all right?" Martin asked, going over to Emma to comfort her. Andy walked over too and gently rubbed her arm. Alan nodded, knowing Emma hated feeling pathetic.

"I had such a bloody rubbish day!" Emma cried, clawing at Alan's shirt.

"Hey, you're okay love." Andy reassured, pulling her back from Alan's grasp and sitting her in between them. Dave stubbornly sat at the edge, still watching television. He didn't dare look at her because he knew he'd go and comfort her as soon as he met her face.

"I... I think they're going to fire me." She sobbed. "I'm such a mess."

Dave sighed and pushed Andy out of his way to firmly hold Emma in his embrace. "You're not a mess! You're strong and independent." He cooed, earning confused glances from the other three.
"That's probably why we didn't get along well, you're too strong.." he chuckled.

Emma smiled and hugged him back, pulling the rest of the band into the hug too. "Thank you guys, I really appreciate it."

"We're here for you. You're Alan's girl, y'know? We gotta take care of you too." Martin explained.

"We love you as much as we love Alan, so just a little." Dave teased with a smug grin on his face.

Andy pulled a blanket from the other sofa and lay it over them, all of them cuddling into Emma to cheer her up, with Alan and Dave on her left side and Martin and Andy on the right side. They heard her out for the rest of the evening. The television was even turned off for it and she ended up falling asleep with her head on Alan's shoulder.

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