Photograph of you-Alan Wilder

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Nathy adjusted the lens cap on her camera and put the strap on her neck, the camera dangling down to her stomach. It was an inexplicably hot summer's day in England. The morning looked gray and boring, so she hadn't bothered putting on airy clothing. In fact, she was wearing plain black trousers paired with a Duran Duran shirt that was thankfully white. No one expected this day to turn out this beautiful, but when it did, the streets were busy and sounds such as laughter and pure happiness filled her ears. She had mostly come out to the streets for some shots of the blossoming trees and the colourful streets, but seeing it was buzzing with people, her photography went from photographing things to photographing people. Not that it mattered to her, it was just a hobby and good memories to look back to in the future.

"That's a nice camera you have there." A tall, handsome male noted, taking her attention away from the apperture button on her camera. She looked up into the sun and smiled, thanking him.
"What's the brand, if I may ask?"

Nathy held her camera up to him. "Classic Pentax K2. Had it for ages and it's still my favourite. Are you a photographer yourself?"

He chuckled, but nodded. "Not a good one, but I do like taking pictures. I have thousands of albums stored in my attic from all the places I've been. I take them simply for the memory. I don't care if they're genious or crap. They're my memories." 

Nathy smiled, feeling butterflies starting to twirl in her stomach. "Same for me! I guess you're a world traveller then? A backpacker perhaps?" 

"Oh, that wouldn't be something for me. I'm in a band, we tour a lot 'round the world. That's why I get to see a lot. You might've heard from us. We're called Depeche Mode."

Nathy nodded. "Yeah, I read about you guys in a magazine some time ago. That's awesome though! I bet you're good, since you get to tour a lot. Which of the four lads are you?"

"Alan." He replied, holding his hand out. "Alan Wilder. What's your name then, pretty lady?"

"Nathy." She replied, gently taking hold of his hand. His long, slender fingers wrapped around hers and she smiled to herself. His hands were soft and warmm.

"Do you mind?" She asked timidly, gesturing her camera at him. Alan smiled at her and stood in front of her camera, not particularly posing, but just minding his own business with a smile on his face.

"That was lovely, thank you!" She chuckled. "I can't wait for them to develop." 

"Full roll already?" Alan asked, somehow sounding a little hurt.

"No, still have 5 photos left. And I have some more rolls stored in my backpack. So plenty of space for more photos of you!" 

"Am I a memory you'd like to keep then?" He asked, winking at her.

"Perhaps.." She teased with a grin on her face.

Alan took hold of her hand and kissed it gently. "Well, then I must buy you a drink, right? Lead the way, choose whatever restaurant looks good to you." 

Nathy settled with a fairly crowded restaurant, but she knew it was good. They sat outside on the balcony with the warm sun shining on their heads. Nathy swirled the icecubes in her drink around with the straw, feeling Alan's gaze on her. She looked up at him with a slight blush on her face. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"No, not at all." He smirked. "I was just... looking at you. You're beautiful. Why can't I have a photo of you to keep? You have one of me."

"What if I give you my number and we can meet up again? I can't let someone as handsome as yourself slip through my fingers. And you're not someone I want a memory of. You're someone I want to spend the present day and the future with."

Now it was Alan's turn to become shy, but he nodded. "I fully agree with that. I'd love to spend my future with you."

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