In Which They Get Closer

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{Cas's POV}

"Day one," Dean said. Taking my hand, he led me into his room.

Okay, I thought. Day one.

Dean sat down on his bed and patted beside him. I perched on the end of the bed and turned toward him, tucking my legs under me, crisscross.

"So," he said, almost as if it were a question.

"So," I repeated.

Great, everything is going to start off awkward. Fabulous.

"Dean," I tried.

"No. I want to ask you something first." I nodded, giving him the floor. "We're taking this slow, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Dean started to rub circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. I almost missed his next statement because of it, too.

"This. Us. We don't want to rush into anything. Right?"

I thought about that. No. We don't want to rush this. We can take our time. It's not like it's the apocolypse or anything.

"Right. But-"

"But what?" he asked, hesitantly.

In answer, I leaned into him, laying my hand on his arm. I felt the outline of my handprint, seared into his skin. I thought of how, though it healed, the scar will never go away. No matter what happens, there will always be a part of me with Dean. I felt him shiver when I touched the scar, almost as if electricity escaped my fingers.

I pulled away to catch me breath and Dean smiled. "Oh. That's what."

I laughed and Dean joined in, a bit intoxicated from each other's presence. When our giggles subsided, he met my eyes and grabbed my tie, pulling me closer. Our lips met and I could taste the past colliding with the present, throwing our future completely off course.

There was no going back.

Dean's hands traveled to my hips and he pulled me onto his lap. As Dean continued to kiss me, he pulled my trench coat from my shoulders. I honestly don't know why I put it back on. I moaned when he deepened the kiss and his hands went back to my waist. I ran my hands through his hair, trying to re- memorize everything about him. The touch of his hands. The softness of his lips. The feeling of his hair. The way he tasted. The scent of leather and soap. I ran my finger down his spine, sending a chill through his back, and back up to his shoulders.

I almost jumped off of his lap when a pound came from the door.

"I don't know what's going on with you two," came Sam's voice, "but could you at least keep it down?"

Which threw us into endless laughter. I hung my head on Dean's shoulder, which was still shaking as he continued to chuckle.

"Well, then," Dean laughed.

"Uh, maybe we should talk to him now. Just so he knows what's going on with us."

I started to move, but Dean grabbed my arm. "Wait. Didn't you erase Sam's memories, too?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Uh, you're not going to... to kiss him, right?"

My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head. "No. No. I can just touch his forehead and he'll remember."

He sighed. "Good."

I started to get up again, but he stopped me once more. "Hold on." He pulled me into a deep kiss before releasing my arm. "Alright. Let's go."

We both got up and walked hand in hand to the library, where Sam would surely be.

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