In Which I'm Still Not Done

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No, I'm not done yet.

I just want to thank you all for reading my stories. Match Made in Heaven is at 2.26 K reads and I feel like crying. Thanks so much, I love you all.

Anyways, the next, and last, book is called A Human Worth Falling For. I'm not exactly sure when it'll be posted because it seems like every stressful thing is happening right now and I'm struggling to write a chapter a week for another story of mine. I may take a short break from the story and pick it up again in a few weeks, maybe a month, but I need to really think about where I'm taking this. At the latest, I'll be posting around August. I hope it won't be that long, but it might.

I'm so sorry.

I just want to thank you guys again. In the beginning, I thought I was the only one who would like my writings, but wow. 2.26 K.

See you guys in the next book. (Whenever that will be.) *waves*

~A. Cumberbatch

I've never realized how bad I am at announcing things until just now. Once again, I just started posting the next book with no warning. But A Human Worth Falling For is up and is actually almost finished. There are like two chapters left, if that tells you how late this announcement is.

I don't know how you people deal with me.

But Match Made In Heaven is at 4.3 K reads and Just A Bit Closer is at 2.46 K, which is AMAZING. I'm so incredibly lucky for all of you guys who have read/commented/voted.

Jeez, I get really sappy with these author's notes.


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