In Which Dean Dreams

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{Dean's POV}

I ran my fingers through Cas's hair as he dozed off. I watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, deep in slumber. The angel may be able to fall asleep within minutes, but I was still wide awake.

I started to think of Cas. I was worried about him. His grace was almost gone, probably why he was sleeping. The only time he slept was when he was human. If he said he was hungry, I think I would lose it.

Cas twitched under my hand, mumbling something under his breath. His head lifted a bit, but fell back onto my chest with a thud.

"Dean," he said again. I smiled as he snuggled closer to me. I don't know what he was dreaming about, but I thought he looked cute in his sleep, a weary smile playing on his lips.

I wanted to kiss him, but that felt too creepy, so I didn't do it.

My eyelids started to grow heavy, the even breathing of the man beside me lulling me to sleep.

The last thought I had was wishes.

Cas had said he didn't new to wish for anything, not anymore. But I did.

I wish I never lose Cas again. Never again.


Cas and I stood in a long, white corridor. Where we stood, there were no doors, and the only one I could see was at the very end of the hall. I turned around and I only saw the room stretch until I couldn't tell when it ended. I pursed my lips and faced Cas.

His back was toward me so I said, "Hey, Cas."


I walked toward the angel and placed my hand on his shoulder. He swiveled around and I gasped. His eyes were inky black.

I took a hesitant step back and he grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"C- Cas?"

His lips curled into a cruel smile. "I haven't heard that name in eons. No one has called me that since, well, since you." He twisted my arm so he could see the inner part of my forearm. "Ah, there it is. I knew it wasn't gone."


His dark eyes flicked to mine. "Now don't be stupid, Dean." I didn't like him saying my name. He didn't sound like himself. This wasn't my Cas. "The Mark." My gaze traveled to the blistered skin on my arm. The Mark of Cain.

"Why does it matter?"

His eyes switched to blue again, the color of real Cas's eyes. And suddenly, I wished they were black.

"Oh, Dean. It matters a lot. You see, this," he ran his finger over the Mark. I tried to jerk away, but his grip was too tight. "This is your undoing. Your demise. And all I have to do is wait, you are a ticking time bomb. After that, you will kill Sam," he smiled and his eyes hardened, "and you'll try to kill me. But of course, you can't. So I'll whisk you away to my kingdom, where you belong."

He let my arm drop and I frowned. "Your kingdom?"

He ignored me and turned away from me, walking toward the door at the end of the hall.

"Where are you going?" I called after him.

He faced me again, his eyes going black. "Hell." And he walked away.


I woke up gasping for air. Cas propped himself up on his elbow.

"Dean? Are you okay?"

I shook my head, but realized he couldn't see me. "No. I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

In a way of answering, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my head into his chest.

He didn't push for answers, he just started to stroke my hair, calming me down. And I drifted off, wrapped in the arms of Castiel, angel of The Lord.

Sorry. This chapter was weird. I don't even know where it came from.

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