In Which The Unthinkable Happens

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{Cas's POV}

I finished what little work I had to do in Heaven and decided to surprise Dean. I mean, we hadn't really spoke for a few days. Right before I flew, I felt really weird. I just brushed it off as nerves.

I wanted to go to Dean's room, but I miscalculated a bit. I ended up in the front room. When I landed, I lost my balance and stumbled into a chair, knocking it over.

I heard Dean call my name and asking if I teleported onto a chair again. Which happened a while back. That was embarrassing.

I felt very dizzy and held onto the edge of the table. I breathed heavily, trying to stop the bile rising in my throat.

"Cas, are you okay?"

I clenched my jaw, wondering what was going on. "No. I am very much not okay," I spat.

Dean walked over toward me. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. Air sickness?"

Only then did I focus on Dean. "Oh my. Dean. You're bleeding."

He looked down at his shoulder as if he just noticed the gaping would. "Yeah. I'll be fine though. You need to-"

"No. Let me heal you." I extended my hand, trying to touch his shoulder.

"Cas, I said I'm fine. You don't need to use any grace for me." Realization dawned on his face. "Your grace," he breathed. "You have to lie down. We have to get you more."

"No. Let me heal you first. I'll rest then."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but didn't. Instead, he nodded. With a small smile, I layed a hand on his wound. His skin started to glow and when the light died down, he looked good as new. There wasn't even any blood remaining.

"Thank you. Now come on. Let's go lie you down."

Dean wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me down the hall. We almost made it to his room.

I started coughing and when I moved my hand, it was coated in blood. At the sight, I swayed in his grip even more than I was a moment before. With a few heaving breaths, I choked out, "Dean!"

"Cas, it's alright. Sam's coming we're going to-"

But I never got to find out what they were going to do, because my eyes rolled into my head and I blacked out, falling limp in Dean's arms.

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