In Which Dean Loses Himself

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{Sam's POV}

I ran in after I heard Dean yell my name. I usually try to avoid my brother whenever he sees Cas after a few days. I walked into their first reunion, I didn't need to see that again anytime soon. So, when Cas popped in, a tried to start a new book. I blocked them out until he yelled for me.

So I ran.

I rounded the corner and darted down the hallway to our bedrooms. "Dean?" I asked when I saw him in his doorway.

He turned and I could see his red rimmed eyes. Laying on his bed was Cas.

"Is he alright?" I asked, pointing to the angel.

Dean shrugged helplessly. He started to tear up again and I pulled him into my arms. Together, we sunk to the floor, Dean crying on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around him. It was little brother comforting older brother, but honestly, I was glad to do it. After everything Dean has done for me, it was the least I could do.


Later, I peeked my head into Dean's room, hoping for good news. Instead, I found my brother kneeling by his bed, praying. I hovered at the door, just watching.

"Please, God," he begged. "Whatever is going on, please fix it. I don't know what I'm going to do without Cas. Please don't take him away from me." His voice started to quiver. "P- please."

I turned around and started baking a pie, wanting to cheer up Dean. But he didn't come out of his room for dinner. So, I walked his plate to him.

"Dean?" I said as I walked in. "You didn't come to eat so I brought you some food."

He was just sitting by the bed, holding Cas's hand. He pointed to a nightstand. I put the food down and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. It'll be alright. It always is."

"Except when it isn't," he croaked.

Before I went to bed, I delivered him a slice of pie. He hadn't even touched his food.


This went on for three days.

Three days of Dean sitting by the bedside. Not eating. Not talking.

Three days I let him grieve.

Three days until I snapped.


"Dean!" I shouted, marching in his room. "Nothing is being accomplished by you moping by the bed all day. It's been three days. Three, Dean. You haven't said anything to me. Come on, talk! I get it, you're upset. But instead of sitting, you should be helping me try to find a way to fix this. Dean. Cas wouldn't have wanted you to do this to yourself. Please."

He looked up and watched me with the blankest expression I've ever seen. "And how do we fix this, Sam? Do we just call our angel to help, oh wait- He's in a coma! I've tried to contact every other angel I could name. No one is responding. No one. What are we supposed to do?"

I felt so bad for Dean. He basically lost the love of his life. I know the feeling. But he at least has a chance at Cas surviving. Jess never had that probability. Forget her, I don't need to spiral to where Dean is. I have to be strong. For him.

"We treat it like any other hunt. We research and think and we take our time. Cas will be fine."

Dean stands up and gives a tiny nod. "For Cas. Now do we have any food, I'm hungry."


I clap him on the back and throw a glance at Cas. I quickly send up a prayer, begging for Cas to be okay.

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