In Which Cas Lies

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{Cas's POV}

After the hunt, I was standing around awkwardly while Sam and Dean talked. I could have flown somewhere but I was curious about what they were discussing. I could have just read their minds, but that felt like cheating. So, I stood in the entrance of the bunker, just waiting.

After a few minutes, Dean grabbed his keys and jacket and started to walk outside. He was so preoccupied, he almost ran into me.

"Cas?" he asked in confusion. "What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left by now."

"I can if you want me to," I said, trying to hide my disappointment. I was about to teleport somewhere, anywhere, when Dean's hand clamped on my arm.

"No. Stay. I want to talk to you." That's all I needed to hear. I needed to talk to him, too. I've needed to talk to him ever since I pulled him out of hell and remembered our rewritten past, six years ago.

But I just nodded.

I followed Dean to the Impala and slid into the passenger side, just like I did so many years ago.

"Cas? Cas!"

My eyes snapped to Dean's face. "Sorry. What?"

"I was asking you what's wrong. Anymore, you've been talking less, staring into blank spaces more. You just seem off."

I smiled, hoping it hid the panic I was feeling. "I'm fine," I lied.

Dean looked at me like he could see through the lie, but he just started the Impala.

I sighed with relief.

So sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been super, super busy with band and school and a new story I've been writing. I'll try to post every Friday. (Hopefully) Can't wait to see what you guys think.

~A. Cumberbatch

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