In Which It Happens

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{Dean's POV}

"I'm fine," Cas said. But I knew he wasn't.

I started the car and I heard Cas sigh softly.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Cas asked in a quiet voice, "What did Sam want to talk about? If you don't mind me asking."

My thoughts traveled back to that conversation. You're trying to sort out your feelings. He's just waiting. I couldn't tell him what we talked about and I couldn't let him know....

My God. He could be reading my thoughts. Crap.

"I'm not listening. To what you're thinking, that is."

I swallowed. "How did you-"

"It's all over your face. And I'm not trying to pry. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Don't worry."

Nodding, I mumbled a, "Good," and focused my eyes on the road.

That really didn't work, though. I kept stealing glances at the angel in the passenger seat. My chest constricted and I took a deep breath.

Turning my head to Cas, I locked my eyes on his steely blue ones. "Uh, Cas. I need to tell you something."


"I just, what Sam said," I paused and calmed my rapidly beating heart. "Sam, he wanted to talk... he wanted to talk about you. He said that-"

My words were cut off by the sounds of squealing tires, metal on metal, and shattering glass.

I slammed on the brake as the airbag exploded into full position. It smacked my chest and the air escaped my lungs. My head hit what felt like the steering wheel and a warm liquid dropped onto my face. Blood.

I took a few labored breaths before I looked at Cas. Oh, Cas.

He had little scratched all over his face, I probably had matching ones all over me as well. Blood dropped down his forehead and onto his clothes, staining his blue tie crimson.

"Cas," I groaned. I thought I heard him reply, but the ringing in my ears prevented me from knowing for sure.

I could faintly hear the sounds of sirens. And I took one more labored breath before everything went dark.

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