In Which They Talk

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{Sam's POV}

We came back from our hunt fairly quickly. It was pretty simple really. There were ten of them and we killed all but one, so he could warn any other vamps that decide they want to inhabit the area that it is protected. The only thing that threw us, was that the leader was not the fourty- six- year- old, rather, the thirteen- year- old. She changed the elder one because he was her grandfather. Like I said, simple.

The only thing I didn't get is, why did Dean call for Cas? It's not like we needed him. Maybe if it were some demons or rouge angels, but vampires?

"Uh, Dean, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." He nodded to Cas then followed me further into the bunker.

"Dude," I said once we were out of earshot, "what's up with you?"

Dean's eyebrows scrunched together. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I know everything's been pretty screwed up since the whole demon thing," I saw him flinch at that, "but you've just been out of whack recently. You can tell me, Dean."

"There's nothing to tell," my brother scoffed. "Seriously."

He started to walk away. "It's Cas, isn't it?"

Dean tensed up and swiveled around. "What?"

"I've seen the way you look at him, how he looks at you. You're trying to sort out your feelings. He's just waiting. The long stares. The invasion of personal space. You may not have figured out how you feel, but I have. Today just proves it even more. Why did you pray to Cas?"

"I'm not gay," Dean huffed.

"Angels don't have specific genders, so," I mumbled, then, louder, "I didn't say you were. I just-"

But he cut me off. "No, Sam. You know what? It doesn't even matter. Think what you want. Just shut up. I don't want to talk about this again."

He turned to go. "Dean-"

"No." I watched the back of his head, knowing I couldn't stop my brother from doing whatever he's doing. So, I don't even try.

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