But My Mommy Calls me.....✨

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Nikki's POV:

"Tell me why I was at amber's house yesterday, and I press a button and guess what I find?" Tayk says through the phone.

"Girl what?"

" a secret room full of shit. Girl I'm talking guns. Knives, grenade launchers all that shit girl."

"Damn what u say." I said surprised. Amber looks like such a sweet girl. She wouldn't hurt a fly.

"U know a bitch wasn't scared because we surrounded by cold hearted killers and all but I just couldn't do anything but ask her who are u. NIKKI PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THIS WOMAN SAID." Tayk says being her loud dramatic self like always.

"Who kay?"

"She said her name is Amber Hernandez"

I just gasp.

Hernandez? As in drug cartel bonnie the bitch that cheated on Ash, Hernandez? The one we met two years ago like for 5 seconds.

Oop chile that anit none of my business.

"Whatttttt, what did u do after that?"

"I threw that bitch in the car and sped to cly's house."


"Speakng of ash, ace and tony we're over there too and 3 little birdies told me that somebody by the name of Nikki was getting hit by a big body bus looking bitch and didn't wanna tell no fucking body, hmmm does that ring a bell Nicole."

Fuck she said my government. How in the fuck did ash find out.

I told tay not to tell nobody.

She betrayed me, I told her that because I thought I could trust her.

Now it's gone be world war 3 because kash hit me a few time, that's no big deal.

I'll never forgive tay for what she just started.

Lord if ash knows that mean my sister knows and tez probably knows too.

I can't stand tay.

She's always finding a way to medal in my life.

She always has me in shit and never could just let me fucking breath.

I was supposed to tell them after the shit blew over so they wouldn't be loading there guns.

Ash Tony and Ace? U told Crazy bitch in general, Crazy bitch with fire, and Crazy bitchs with THROWING KNIVES?

Can she be any morecarless at this point.

She making it seem like she want kash to die.

Well that's not what I want so that's not gonna happen.

"I gotta go tayk." I say abruptly hanging up not letting her speak after that and putting my phone on dnd so I won't get anymore calls from her.

Just as I'm getting up to exit the room Ray walk in with food in her hand.

"I brought u your favorite foo- hey what's wrong?" she says in concern setting the food down.

I just brush past her, going to the guest room and begin to pack my things in a suit case.

"Nikki what are u doing"

"Im not staying here." I say zipping it up and putting it on the the ground reay to be pulled.

"Why would u possibly not want to stay with me."

"Because u went against your word and u told nay, tez, ash, ace and tony. Now all hell is going to break loose." I say dragging my suit case out the room while tay followed me.

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