I feel sick.

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2 weeks later......

Tays POV: 

"OH FUCK DADDY IM GONNA CUMMMMMMM" This thot moans as i beat her shit up letting all my frustration out. Her moans are kind of annoying all moans are annoying compared to nikkis. 

but nikki's not mine and she's happy with that kash girl. i can't help but think where the hell did she come from.

She gives me weird vibes like serious weird vibes but maybe that's just because she's dating nikki. but then again my crazy meter is going off. like mind is saying that that bitch is nuts.

I didn't try and argue about her relationship because i want her to be happy and if she's happy then im happy. 

"Get out'" i say to this hoe who didn't even tell me her name.


"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" i yelled getting frustrated with myself and my own problems. 

she scurys around the room to pick up her clothes and runs out of my room afraid of what i might do if she didn't. 

i plop down on my bed and begin to cry.

"why doesn't she love me." i say as tears seep from my eyes.

"who doesn't love you" a voice says entering my room. That voice belonging to nikki. 

she sits on my bed with a big smile on her face waiting for me to tell her the details. Just seeing her smile makes my heart start.

"well um there's this girl and i like her no i love her and when i finally came to terms with that she got a girlfriend."  

"oh" she looked down and if i'm not mistaken she looked a little jelly. after she was in her thoughts for a minute she looks back up and we make eye contact.

Were staring intensely where it feels like its just us two. Just me and her against the world. Nikki begins to lean in and i'm doing so as well until kash burst into the room.

"MY NIGGA WTF" she says instantly angry at the almost kiss. 

"it's not what it looks like." nikki says.

Uh yea it is 😂

"NIKKI COME ON WE'RE GOING HOME" she says basically trying drag nikki out her room by her arm. 

"wait before yall go we?"

"yup she moved in with me now bring ur ass on"

They finally leave and i lay on my back looking up at the ceiling. i Begin to think wow u really lost her. she even moved in with this girl. As i'm thinking crying makes my eyes tired i let sleep take over me.

Nikki POV:

Ok but before u call me a stupid dumb bitch let me explain. She kinda pressured me into moving in with her but i was ok with it. i mean what's the worst that could happen. 

She treats me like a queen and spoils me and takes me out on dates and just is so nice and considerate.

she does keep bringing up the idea of strapping me but i always say no because im not ready for all that but yes she has given me head. 

And u know fuck well hers not better then tays 

Girl- that is our girlfriend ur talking about.

idgaf i'll start giving a fuck when she have us squirting uncontrolably like tay sexy ass did. Look at your ass getting wet just thinking about it. 💦 

We are still in the car going home and the silence is killing me. ugh she so annoying if she gone act like this i might as well be getting my pussy beat by my tay daddy 😜

We pull up to the house i almost instantly jump out the car and unlck the door and enter the house. 

As im beginning to walk away im being yanked back by my hair. Kash grips my hair and throws me onto the floor. i'm at a lost for words. when  i look up at her her eyes are empty and cold.  

"Wtf was that Nikki" i couldnt speak. Why was she acting like this?


"idk" i say feeling weak and small. 

"oh you dont know ok" she says looking around for a bit before she send five blows to my body.

With every hit i cry and cry and cry.















When she kicked me all i could do was cry and scream for her to stop.


"SHUT UP STUPID BITCH" she says beating the shit out of my body. 

Eventually she's done beating me to her satisfaction. She goes to the bathroom to wash the blood off of her hands and then comes comes back seeing me still on the floor. 

she picks me up bridal style goes to the room puts me n the bed, strips my clothes and then places me in a bubble bath that she just ran. when she puts me down, she kisses my forehead and exits while i take my bath. 

i can't believe  she actually hit me. She actually hit me. 

im so worthless this is what i deserve but i cant let anyone know cause they would kill her. my sister would kill her. Tayk would kill her. ash would kill her. Omg tay would kill her then revive her then kill her again. 

 i get out of the tub dry off, then walk over t the mirror looking at all the scars that are forming. my body aches and now my body is even more ugly. 

who could love this, i look disgusting. i go into the closet to put on some boxers and  asports bra. i get into the bed when kash and and she raps her arms around me and snuggles up agaisnt me.

"im sorry baby i just sometime get a little upset possessive i love you though" she says kissing up and down my ams.

"its ok kash" i say stroking the side of her face and her hair.

With that darkness consumes me. 







Yeah yeah yeah i know this one kinda short. Anyways vote bitches 💦😜😝❤😍😊😁👍💕💋👌💖🤳💖🖤🤎💜💙💚💛🧡❤🤍💔❣💕💞💓💗💖💦💥💢💌💟💝💘💫☮✝☪🕉☸♈⛎🛐☦☯🔯✡❌⭕🚫🔇💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💚💚💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤🖤🖤❤❤

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