what does she have?

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Tays POV:

Im standing in the bathroom mirror RN trying to process what just happened.

why did I spazz out on sin? Idk but when she mentioned hurting Nikki I just got so upset.

I could never hurt nikki. Her face is too perfect and her body was crafted by god himself.

A perfect hour glass figure that not even mens clothes could hide. I could never let anyone destroy that.

Hell I would be upset if I found out anyone touched it. Omg is amber trying to touch her body.

I can't let her touch anything on her its too perfect, you would have to be gentle with it.

I wanna be gentle with it. Kiss everywhere on her and suc-

My thoughts are interrupted by steph entering the bathroom.

"Hey man sin texted me and said that u left the room earlier because u spazzed out on sin"

"Yea idk what I got into me I just got upset that's all"

"Oh ok man well you've been in her for a while it lunch nows lets go"

We proceeded to walk out the bathroom and enter the lunch room that wasn't really far from where we were.

I get a lot of hey's and hi's because you know im that nigga and then I look over at where Nikki usually sits.

Only tayk is sitting down but once I get settled Nikki walks in holding ambers hand.

What does she have that i dont? That sudden anger comes back but is interrupted with one of my hoes coming and sitting on my lap.

I'm not gone lie I cant even remember Shawty name.

"Hey daddy do u like my out fit I wore it for you" she said trying to sound seductive

She had on white tank top with no bra on that shows off her double d's. Her nipples were evidently hard. For her bottom she had on this tiny mini skirt with high knee socks.

"Yeah I love it" im only gonna feed into her desires cause I need something to take my mind off nikki and Michael Jackson (Get it she has an afro 😂)

"Daddy please fuck me" she says in a pleasing tone

I pretend to think about it for a second

"Yea lets go" I got up and grabbed her and dragged her into bathroom.

I turn around about to lock the door but she interrupts me.

"Come here daddy" she says in a pouting tone already on the sink waiting for me .

I immediately take off her tank top and her skirt. I leave her panties on because I love when women have bottoms on but no top.

I grab her and get her off the sink.

"On your knees"

She gets on her knees and I sit in a chair across the bathroom from her.

"Crawl for daddy"

She started to crawl towards me slowly and sudectively.

"Good girl" I say when she finally arrives and is in my lap. I flip her in a swift motion so that now she's in the chair.

I'm rub her clit through her panties and she let's out a slutty moan.

"Daddy stop teasing" she said as I play with her Wetness through her panties

I pull her panties aside about to eat my wet meal when the door opens.

Nikki POV:

So I continue with my day and Lunch basically rolls Around.

I got to find amber and she's spitting game to this girl.


So I run up to her and grab her hand and drag her into the cafeteria.

Once we got closer to the table we slowed down and I dropped her hand one we got there.

Tayk was on her phone and it took a while for her to realize we were sitting there

But when she did look up its like they both were stuck in this trance.

They were just staring at each other.

"Um guys?"

No reply


Still no reply. Ok now this shit getting weird.

I shook Tayk a little bit and she shook her head and blinked a few times. Amber did the same.

Amber started first "Hey baby girl so we meet again" she says biting her lip.

" im afraid we haven't met before but Hey I'm yours- I mean I'm tayk not that I dont want to be yours I mean ugh fuck"

Ok now this shit is getting weird cause tayk hits and dips bitches all the time. She the most social person ik. Why can't she talk to amber?

Oh shit I'm dumb they feeling each other but this quick. They just met. Maybe its that love at first sight typa shit.

But then again THEY BOTH HOES so I can't wait to see hoe this plays out.

"So guys I'm not really hungry but I do have to use the bathroom imma be back"

Tayk shot me a glare that was mixed with nervousness and I know what ur tryna do ness 😂

And I was but I deadass really did have to use the bathroom.

When I arrive I open the door to see tay on her knees about to eat Amy's pussy.

I don't know why but my heart starts to hurt and tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

Me and tay make eye contact and she notices my expression.

A tear comes from my eye and with that I ran.

I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could. I had no idea where I was going. Tear were now flowing out and running now my cheeks.

Why was I bothered? U know she's a hoe? U know she only likes feminine girls?

U know she hates u? U know even if she did want u she would never stop wanting feminine girl?

U know ur not good enough for her? SO WHY THE FUCK ARE U BOTHERED

she would never love someone like u let alone u. She hate u but u dont care cause u love her.

I fell to the ground. I dont know where i am. The floor was cold. All until someones warm arms wraps around me. They picked me up nad started carrying me.

They made me feel safe and loved, like the person would never let go. They made me feel secure and calmed my heart beat down. I didn't ever wanna let go of this person that made me feel this way.

Its like their touch told me everything was going to be ok. My thinking is cute short when my eyes start to get heavy.

The last thing heard was "if only you knew how beautiful u are" and a I felt a kiss on my forehead before I drifted off into a peaceful darkness.

Just wrote today cause I felt like it :) Have a good day

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