Its too late

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Tays POV:

I can't move. I feel as if i'm on a mattress or bed. It feels as though im on one of those shitty ass hospital beds.

i can feel a slightly smaller hand clamped and gripping tightly onto mines.

The hand makes me feel safe. The grip tells me that their never going to let me go. I get this electric feeling from this hand.

Just by the way i'm feeling i can tell that this is nikki's hand. She's always made my heart beat faster than it should and i hated her for that.

I hated that this antisocial semi shy stud with piercing brown eyes that could make me get on my knees and listen to her every word was the thing that could single handedly destroy my heart.

I just didn't bully her because of her sister i bullied her because she was my weakness. she could make my heart stop with one wink but why her, why did she have to make me loose my mind just from one flash of her golden smile.

She's the reason i'm constantly saying i don't like studs because i don't, i love them and i couldn't accept that i was in love with her from the moment i saw her.

but now i can and i will.

After my thoughts i open my eyes to see nikki gripping my hand for dear life cuddled up next to me and i can't help but observe her beauty. she's just so perfect i have to make her mines.

Im interrupted by the door bursting open with a stud entering the room.

Kash POV:

Im chilling on my couch and i get a call from the hospital saying my baby nikki is hurt.

i instantly jump up and rush to the hospital.

ik wtf yall think "who in the bubble gum dum dum is you". well i am a stud named kash i go to a different school than nikki. i have a small tiny anger problem, ok so maybe i'm a tad bit controlling and possessive and bipolar but i swear i'm not crazy and lastly me and nikki are in love.

ik we've been talking for like 2 weeks now and we haven't had sex yet but i can sense that we belong together that's why i hit that stupid ass bitch tay with my truck.

did i say that i, i didn't say that😉

Guys im sorry but she trying to steal my baby.She's been making googly eyes at my nikki bear for months.

"but you guys started talking Two weeks ago" yeah i said we started TALKING 2 weeks ago i never said i wasnt watching her for months. "don't you think that's kinda creepy" STFU ITS NOT CREEPY IF ITS THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.

ok ok ok kash just breath in and out.

anyways i just cant wait to have sex with her ugh her moans are so sexy. "how do u know what her moans sound like you creepy ass bitch"


ok i know what her moans sounds like because i have watched play with that pretty pussy of hers though her bedroom window. God those were some good memories we shared.

The only problem is that everytime she would do it she would moan tays name. 🙄 THAT STUPID FUCKING BITCH DOESN'T DESERVE TO MAKE MY BABY HORNY IM THE ONLY PERSON THAT IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE HER HORNY.

I either have to get rid of her or get nikki to cut her off completely and trying to get rid of her hurt my baby so imma have to pursue plan b.

Ok back to me getting to the hospital. I enter pushing all these damn nurses out the way. i burst into the door only to see my baby wrapped up with that stupid ass bitch holding her hand.

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