B is Bonnie or Broken?

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Tays POV:
I let tay stay at my house because she's not going back with that crazy bitch.

Tay is asleep right now in my bed and she just look absolutely adorable.

Too bad I have a girlfriend now so I can't really do anything with her. I'm just helping out a friend. A really sexy friend with beautiful moans and a perfectly pretty wet pussy.

And plus I don't even like studs let alone Nikki.

She just looks so perfect under this light i could just eat her up right now.

Anyways I'm gonna let her sleep cause I'm going over tez and nays house to discuss what's happening.

Last night tay told me not to tell nay or tez and especially not ash but I have to.

By all this thinking I'm now pulling up to the house.

I get out of nikkis car and jog up to the door. When I get there I ring the door bell and it takes about a few seconds for someone to answer .

"Oh hey girl what you doing here."Ash says with a smile on her face.

"Oh hey ash I just came to talk to you nay and my sister about something that really can't wait."

"Ok well bring your sexy ass in" she says with a smirk on her face.

I just laugh and shit my head because this shit is truly funny.

I walk in the house and to the living room to see nay cuddled up in Tezs lap stroking her hair while they watch trolls.

Ash go's up to the tv and turns it off then sits on a near by stool.

"Hey wtf was that for" nay says getting off of tezs lap looking over at ash who was now sitting waiting for me to talk.

"Tay her has something to talk to us about" ash says gesturing towards me.

"Baby come back to daddy's lap" tez says doing the come here sign and then patting her lap.

"No." Nay says pouting.

"Ok bet keep that same energy when you get your back beat in." Tez says turning her attention to me.

"Haha you getting bitched" ash says laughing and pointing.

"Shut the fuck up big body bitch." Nay says still on edge from ash turning the tv off.

"Cly and nay you both shut the fuck up before shit get active in this bitch." Tez says getting louder than bother of them resulting in them both rolling there eyes and scoffing ending the argument.

Cly? why the hell did she call ash Cly?

"Don't fucking call me that." Ash says like she's thinking about something. I see a flash of hurt cross her face.

"Continue" Tez says feeling proud of getting them not to go off.

"Um ok well this is hard to say but yesterday is I noticed that Nikki kept wherein sweat suits even though it hot asf and that she stopped fucking with all of us and basically followed kash around like she was on a leash. so I caught her in the locker room and told her to pull up her shirt and she was crying and telling me that it's nothing but eventually she did and there were bruises all over her stomach and chest." I say tearing up and getting angry just reminiscing about the events.

There is silence all over the room. The silence is broken by a noise.

Ash had a calm look on her face while she pulled out a gun and a clip. Loading the clip putting it in the gun and then cocking it and putting it in her lap with a blank expression on her face.

"So your telling me that bitch has been hitting my Nikki bear." Ash said gripping her gun and waving it around every time she spoke.

"Yes" I say scared of what she was gone say.

"Call her." Ash said looking at nay and tez with a cold expression.

"No no no every time y'all together all hell breaks loose." Tez says looking at nay who hasn't spoke yet. Her eyes are cold heartless empty even.

"I SAID FUCKING CALL HER." Ash said raising her voice with tears coming out her why idk.

With that tez rolls her eyes and gets up grabbing her phone exiting the room.

Nay still hasn't said a word.

Tez POV:

Why the hell do I gotta call her. Ugh fine got damn.

Bonnie in bold
Tez in italics


"Hey Bonnie this is tez"

"Tez I swear to god if Cly is dead I'm gonna blow up all of Detroit."

"Cly is not dead you fool not that you would give af any way."

"Are you kidding me that girl is my everything how dare you say I don't care about her."

"Oh really cause that's funny cause you didn't think about that when you did what you did. When you fucking broke her. She's not the same girl anymore and it's all because of your ungrateful ass. Did you know she still has the matching pistol." She said raising her voice.

"She told me she sold it" her voice got quieter finding out this information.

"Nope she still has the fucking pistol and the fucking tattoo on her arm, the fucking hoodies, the ring, the everything but you know what she did loose her fucking smile, her happiness, and her will to live. Cly the smokes and cry's every day cause u fucked her over like the pussy you are. The only reason this girl hasn't jumped off a bridge yet is because she knows it would hurt you and look at her she still cares about your feelings. Putting you in front of her still. She better than me cause if nay tired me on that bull shit she would've caught a bullet real fucking quick and I'm calling u for a serious matter so better bring your ass back to Detroit by tomorrow and don't expect for her to even look at you. Oh and one more thing I FUCKING DARE YOU to bring a hoe down here with you I WILL FUCKING EMPTY MY FUCKING CLIP ON YOU AND THAT BITCH."

And with that I hung up the phone and then threw it across the room making it shatter on the wall. Meh I'll just get another one.
How you feel about Bonnie right now?

Bonnie and cly?

What did Bonnie do?

What make them want bonnie there now?

Ash nickname is cly?!

Find out next time on dragon ball z 😂

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