Why do i feel like this?

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Tay's pov:

Ok ok ok I know what your thinking "PRINCESS?! if u hate her why are u calling her princess"

Well tbh I usually call her pet names just to aggravate her. She used to get mad when I called her that but lately for some strange reason she doesn't seemed faced by it.

No gay shit though just strictly your average bullying

Im in second period now sitting next to sin because we have this class together. Were just talking and chopping it up and then this light skinned stud with a huge afro walks in looking like a lost puppy.

She walks up to the teacher and says that shes new and that this is her second period class.

And the teacher tells her to introduce herself. She says "Hey I'm Amber but the ladies call me daddy" then she look at nikki and winks.

I can't help but get heated. Why is she looking at nikki like that? does she think this is a game? DOES SHE THINK THIS IS A FUCKING GAME?!

"Woah woah woah calm down tay who shit in your coffee" I hear a light chuckle and turn to see sin.

I calm down a bit and put my head down.

"But frl what got u all upset and angry"

"Its nothing sin" I say with a groan still keeping my head down.

"Tay there is steam coming out of your ears u look like someone stole your bitch" she laughed again making me want to kick her in her throat.

"Someone is trying to" I mumbled

TAY NIKKI IS NOT YOUR BITCH. not that nikki is a bitch but wait a minute don't defend her. U. HATE. HER

"What was that" sin says

"Nothing" I say nervously

I lift my head off the desk to see that Amber and Nikki are talking and Amber is sitting in the desk next to Nikki's.

I see that shes laughing and smiling. My blood starts to boil and I don't even know why.

I hear faint "tay" instantly making me jump out of my trance.

"What" i say to sin.

"Why are u staring at nikki and amber talking do u wanna go mess with nikki? Ooooo maybe we can beat her up"

I turn to sin with flames coming from my eyes. I grab her by her neck and squeeze just enough so I don't kill her.

"IF U EVER LAY A FUCKING FINGER ON NIKKI IMMA SHOVE MY FIST SO FAR UP YOUR ASS THAT IMMA BE ABLE TO FEEL YOUR FUCKING HEART." I say with venom causing the whole room to go quiet and her to shiver under my touch.

Sins pov:

HEY BITCHES LET ME PROPERLY INTRODUCE MYSELF. My name is sin I'm 17 and a Senior. I love any kind of women and Im in love with steph. If steph told me to jump off a building I wouldnt hesitate to do it that girl is my world if only she knew how much I want and love her. She has this loose pussy girlfriend names akira 🙄 That hoe for the streets and steph is acting blind like her sexy ass don't see it but its OK cause she wont be around for long.

Anyway right now tay has me in a choke hold and her eyes turned to this cold black color instead of her usual light brown

I'm not gonna cap this is scaring the shit outta me

But I'm left to wonder what she got going on with nikki

I mean she does bully her and all I suggested to do was to bully her

But could it be that tay wants Nikki

Well that couldn't be cause shes been bullying her since freshman year

But now that I think about it we have never physical hurt nikki.

Does tay not wanna hurt nikki physically because she likes her?

She does get really defensive when me or Steph talk about her

But its always Ok for her to talk about her.

Its almost as if she want to keep her for her self and she flips anytime someone try's to hurt her.

Oh yeah and the pet name thing. That always was strange to me.

But she doesn't like studs hmm I'm gonna test this theory.

Anyways back to her choking me

"Damn nigga im sorry I didn't mean it"

Now all eyes were on us and I watch as tay realizes what she's doing and what she said

She drops me and her eyes change back to it light brown state.

"Um I gotta go" she says then swiftly walks out the room

Nikki's pov:

I'm sitting in second period minding my business cause ion like these kids and this tall light skin stud with an a huge afro walked it

She went up to My teacher and told her that she was new. The teacher told her to introduce herself.

It's weird she looks oddly familiar.

"Hey I'm Amber but the ladies call me daddy" then she looked at me and winked.

I just rolled my eyes. Suck a fuck boy think she can get in my pants with a dusty ass wink?🙄 Over my dead body

She continued "I'm good at math, I play basketball and I love food"

Everybody just continued about there day like she wasn't new and some fems was looking at her with those fuck me eyes.

I almost put my head down but I heard the teacher say for her to sit by me.

Ughhhh that stupid ass bitch knows I'm anti social. She always tryna force friends on me.

Amber sits down, taps my shoulder and I say "huh"

"Hey ma"

"Ma not my name homegirl"

"Homegirl not my name sexy" she says biting her lip looking me up and down.

I start to laugh and smile because I think this is funny and I feel eyes on me but imma chose to ignore it.

We basically carry on our conversation and then we both get interrupted by someone yelling.


I turn to see tay choking sin and if I'm not mistaken I heard her say nikki.

Maybe she knows another nikki. Maybe that's her girlfriends name.

Lucky her🙄

Ew wtf am I saying unlucky her she has to date the mean annoying girl with sexy ass voice that make me so fucking wet.


Once she realizes that we were looking at her and she zooms out of the room.

Amber looks at me and say "what's her problem and didn't she say ur name"

"Oh yeah she did but she couldn't have ment me because she hates me"

"Why does she hate you"

"I have no idea"

"Oh she was looking over here Earlier"

Those are the eyes I felt on me, those sexy brown eyes

Omg nikki get it together

"Hey amber u wanna sit with me and my bestfriend at lunch"

"Yeah I would love too"

"Great" and with that the bell rang and I left the go to 3rd period

I need something to take my mind of tay

Hey guys tell me in the comments if u like it or not and yall can make predictions. Welp thats all I have to say so bye coconut crew 💕✌

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