How does it feel?

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Nikki POV:

I woke up with kash still snuggled up with me. Her arms wrapped around me and her face buried in my chest. I don't get that electric feeling i get from tay when she touches me.

But i can't do nothing about it because tay isn't attracted to studs.

plus who could love me? like frl my body is too imperfect. Stretch marks, scars, ugly in general. 

kash flutters her eyes open and instantly jumps jumps up stretching to get reading for the day.

"come on babe its time for school" she says while stopping me to shake me a little.

"ok" i say still shaken up by last nights events.

i got up and got in the shower. i did my hygiene and all that stuff then i got dressed in a hoodie and some sweat pants to cover my arms and legs because lord knows what would happen if they saw the scars. 

"bye kash" i say kissing her cheek then exiting the house and getting into my car. 

At school 

I  decided to go to my locker because i have some books to get for first period and i hear tays voice.

i turn around but she's nowhere in sight but i'm still curious on where she is. i walk a few steps away from my locker to see that she's around the corner talking to hoe ass amy. 

"um i was just wondering if u wanted to be my girlfriend" 

oh . hell. no 

why in the hell she wanted to date that hoe amy. she don't even respect herself by wearing clothes. i'm not jealous just why.

Does she think she looks better than me? like wth makes her want to date the bitch who almost let her fuck her in a school bathroom.

That bitch beyond easy or was it because of her body. Smooth chocolate skin nice toned flat tummy, hourglass figure, beautiful face all around model. 

and then there me just me. Little ole me. wait why am i comparing myself to her. I'm not tays and Tay's not mine. so again why am i bothered. 

"Hey why are u standing right here." i was too zoned out to notice tay standing in front of me probably done with her conversation with amy.

"oh i was just thinking" i say smiling because that's just what that girl does to me. 

she chuckles, smile at me, looks away then bring her eyes back to mine.

"Whats funny" i say laughing a little

"how much i wanna fuck you right now." she says ass she grabs my neck and pushes me up against the lockers an puts her lips on mines. 

she then reaches in my-

"nikki are u there" Tay says laughing and snapping in my face.

"huh? yea im here im here."

"oh i thought i lost you for a sec." she says flashing a smile that makes my core throb even more.

"haha yeah um i never caught your answer."

"oh yeah i said i was laughing because you makes me happy." she says looking down taking a step closer me backing me up into a wall, then looking up making direct eye contact with me.

My breath increases and only now im realizing how close we are. Her face is inches away from mines. i watch as her eyes switch from my eyes and my lips. She bites her lip looking up at me making me want to risk is all.

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