Part 1

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When I imagined love... I imagined two people falling in love. Wanting to be with each other till their last breathes. Till there last night and morning... But I was wrong. Love is not like that. It's not. And it will never be like that.... Will it?

I pulled up at my new school. I could feel my stomach doing twists and turns violently. I breathed in deeply and let it out with a shaky breathe. I smiled at myself, as I parked my car I sighed.

"Everything is gonna be okay, Ash. Calm down." I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My light blue set eyes will surely set people off but they'll get used to it. Won't they?

I wasn't a normal teen that everyone expects. I'm a wolf. That's right a wolf. Half human half wolf. I know it's a lot to set in but you'll get used to it. Nothing wrong with what most of us are. I was kicked out of my past pack because well I have the tendency to smart talk to people. And I chose the wrong person that day. Our alpha. Worst thing to do. Our alphas are like a humans king. They rule over us. And I pissed off our king. Big time. And now I am here. Starting a new life. A new pack. I will meet up with a pack nearby and hopefully they'll take me in. I just pray I don't upset this one.

I sighed and looked again in the mirror. I made sure to dress good today. Not trashy nor tomboyish. I decided on some black knee high boots and skinny jeans that set off my curves. I wore a tank top that was light blue that matched my eyes. I put a bit of eyeliner to make them pop even more beautiful.

I jumped with fright as a guy knocked hard on my window. I frowned frustrated that someone touched my baby. I spent more than a year working for the money to by my black sleek mustang. Not to mention a lot of begging to my older brother to lend me a few bucks.

I rolled down my window and frowned again. "Don't touch my car please." The guy smirked and turned to his friends. They all laughed.

"Your in my parking area, lady. Please move. I'm asking kindly." I narrowed my eyes at his remark. I pretended to look in front of my car and sighed.

"Well that's to bad huh? Guess it's my parking space now." I smirked and rolled up my window. Cutting the engine I opened the door. I stepped out and when I closed the door a bunch of kids started whistling. I flipped them off. I hate it when guys think I'm hot. I'm a normal looking girl. Note the sarcasm. Wolfs tend to be more beautiful, fuller and not to mention smarter than humans. We have a strong sense of smell, hearing, great vision and stronger.

As I looked up at the guy he sneered. Making me mad. I huffed. He seemed like a jock that deserved a beating but fighting a human is bad not to mention life risking. I locked my door and put my phone and keys into my boot. "Excuse me I'll be late for school. " I turned to the building and left.

As I opened the doors the smell of vomit and sweat was surely noticeable. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. It reeked bad of humans. I walked towards the office. Thankfully it was just right beside the entrance.

"Hi Ashley Landon..." I hated my last name. Landon reminded me of my parents. They were rude and cruel to me. Just like the pack. Ashely was my pack name. I got to pick that one thankfully. And I love it.

"What grade?" The desk lady said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh Umm senior sorry." I said shaking my head. She typed something in her computer but I didn't see what. Her computer was masked with a black paper that covered the screen. Obviously to not permit anyone to see. I growled slightly and turned my head.

She printed something off and stood up. I looked anywhere else but her leg. She had a prosthetic. My heart panged with sadness. She handed me a paper and I looked down. Scanning it. It was my schedule. I smiled and looked up at her. "Thank you. Have a nice day." I turned and left. As the door closed behind me the bell rang. I sighed and moaned. First day of school and I'm already late.

I walked down the hallway looking for my first hour class. When I found it I opened the door and walked in. Everyone looked up at me and the teacher stopped midsentence. I looked down. "Sorry I got lost " I laughed and took a seat at the back of the room.

"Ah you must be Ashley Landon." when he said my last name a growl erupted from my mouth. Only people sitting close to me heard me. A guy turned with devilish grin on his face.

"Yes... " I said glancing at the guy again.

"Turn to page 251. We are learning about War World II. " I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to get a book. I know everything. When I turned to look at the guy again his smile didn't falter. As we stood staring at each other he flashed his eyes golden. I smiled and flashed him back.

Finally a wolf to hang with! He pointed to his temple asking for entrance I unblocked my wall and let him in. Wolves can talk to each other using mind link. Even if you are not in the pack you can accept anyone that you want. Perks of being wolves.

Ahhhh Hello. He said from inside. He turned to the front of the room.

Hello finally a wolf! I can't smell not one damn one! It sucks! I said staring at the back of his head.

We use masking scent. Well only our pack I think. He said uneasily. I was confused.

Why? I asked glancing around the room.

Bad past with rogues. They are getting to close to us. Are you one? You kinda smell like it. No pack? I sighed at this. Closing my eyes. Minus well make friends.

Kicked out. Talked back at the Alpha. Dickhead deserved it. He chuckled at this and turned to me raising an eyebrow.

Ahhhh so asking for permission into our pack? I nodded. Hmm well try your hardest we are one of the strongest pack here in this country.

What pack?

Red dawn pack.

I looked at him mouth gaping open. The red dawn pack??!! I said looking bewildered. Red dawn pack is a very powerful pack. They are top of the wolves. Like god's. Well not that I'm exxagerating.

The one and... He was inturrupted by the sound of the bell. I got up and walked to him.

"your joking right?" He laughed loudly.

"No I am not. Names Colton. Welcome to Red Dawns territory." we walked out of the classroom. "Stop smirking so much."

I laughed again. "My names Ashley but you can call me Ash and I can't help it! Y'all are like god's haha"

"well, Ash. If you pass the test that my pack will give you, then you too will be a 'God'. " he chuckled and snatched my schedule from my hands. "Hmm well your screwed. I only have first and last hour with you. See you around Ash." Colton asked as he turned and headed away. "Oh and by the way be careful guys will be all over you." he said winking at me and laughed when I blushed.

I do hope this year won't be as bad as last....

Done with my first chapter. Vote and comment beauties.

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