Part 13

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"Ashely... Please. You can't leave me..." I could faintly hear a voice. I heard a slow beating noise. A hand laud on mine and my heart quickened and so did the machine.

"Ash?" I tried to open my eyes but I just groaned out. "Ashely!" a chair was scooted out. I tried opening my eyes but my brain kept saying sleep sleep sleep...

I gave up and let myself go back to darkness.


My mouth was dry. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital. I looked to a window and saw a figure standing there.

Jacob. I tried opening my mouth but it felt glued shut. I licked my lips.

"Jacob." my voice was groggy and hoarse. Jacob turned and stumbled to me.

"Ashley? Oh god Ash" He took my head and kissed me on the nose. "Oh baby I was so scared." I flinched when he kissed me. I was so tired.

"Jacob..." my voice was hoarse. "Wa..." I tried coughing but it just hurt.

Jacob nodded and stumbled to a table. He quickly filled a cup with water and walked quickly back to me. He tipped the cup into my mouth. The liquid rushed down and I nearly choked on it. Jacob quickly pulled me up. Water dribbled out of my mouth.

Tears sprung his eyes. "Oh god Ash... I don't.. " He wiped off my tears. He started choking up. He layed his head on mine and he breathed in. "I don't know what to d-do... " He wept slightly as my eyes kept closing and opening.

My heart was breaking at the sight of him. What happened. I felt my vision started blurring as I was drug back down to darkness.

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"You won't stay little girl. You and your mate will die."

"What are you talking about?" I yelled out. Everywhere I look was dark. Darkness. I screamed.

"Just trust me, girl." I looked to my left and an arrow was flying to me. I jumped out of the way. I felt something slice my shoulder. My mate bond. It's breaking. I can feel it.

"No... Noo!" I yelled out clutching my shoulder. The pain started flowing. It was an iron arrow. I screamed in pain. My back arched forward and I clawed everywhere. My hand grabbed the arrow and jerked it out. I screamed as it slid out.

As I dropped the arrow it clanked to the ground. My breathing became uneven. I tried to crawl but my vision blurred. I heard footsteps heading towards me. As I looked up. I saw him...

"Alpha....?" I said slowly. He smiled wickedly down to me. And then his foot came down. Right over my heart.

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I heard someone screaming. They need to shut up. Shut up. Shut up! I felt my voice trying to say something.

A pair of hands forced me down. There was a cold growl and the hands flew off my shoulders. I could feel my body shaking.

As I slowly regained consciousness I noticed I was screaming. And I couldn't stop.

"Ash!" Jacob yelled running to me. His eyes were red but turned normal when he stood there staring at me. He stroked my cheek and I stopped screaming. Although tears kept leaking down my face.

He started sobbing and pulled me to him. My body shook as he pulled me up.

"what... What happened... " I said slowly. I was sweating and the covers were thrown everywhere.

"Just a bad dream, baby" He stroked my hair and started rocking me. We stayed like that until I noticed a person knocked out on the floor.

"Colton!" I pushed Jacob and ran to Colton. I pulled off all of the Iv's and things out of my arms. I ran over and fell to my hands and knees. "Colton. Colton!" I yelled out. I started to gently shake him.

A loud growl came from Jacob. I turned and glared at him. "You did this!?"

"He was forcing you down! I couldn't just let him do that!" Jacob yelled back. He clenched his hands into fists. He walked over to me and grabbed me by my upper arm. "Nobody gets to touch except me!" He yelled out. He then punched the wall making me scream and crawl away.

When he turned to me his eyes went honey colored. "Ash..." He tried to reach for me but I backed away.

"Get away from me. Stay away." I said putting my hand up. Jacob looked at me then turned and left. I sat there crying until I heard Colton groan.

"Colton!" I jumped up and hugged him. I was so glad he was awake.

"Ash..." Colton looked at me and then looked around. When he faced me again. His lips landed right on mine.

Sorry chapter was short. Vote please. ✌ thank you bunches

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