Part 5

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As Colton walked me back to school he looked over to me and then not say anything. After about the hundredth time i turned to him and glared at him.

"Colton what is it? " He looked at me and sighed.

"Nothing. Just nervous." He scrunched up his nose.

"About?" I said looking away not making eye contact when I looked back to him he was staring at me.

"What if you don't get in? Your a cool girl Ash." I laughed and smirked.

"Aww does Colton have a crush on Ashy." I pouted and winked. He just laughed and looked forward. We made it to school. As I went to my mustang Colton whistled. Trailing his finger down the side.

I growled narrowing my eyes. "Fingers off buddy." As I bent down I forgot I didn't have my boots on. I screamed bloody murder. Colton quickly ran to my side. Tripping over his own feet. He landed on the ground with a thump. Groaning he got back up rubbing his head.

"What the hell, Ash." He growled and looked at me like I was crazy.

"MY KEYS??!?!" I screamed. I tried remembering where I left them. The forest!!!  Behind the school. I ran as hard as I can to the edge of the forest where we shifted. I got to my knees and looked everywhere through our destroyed clothes. I found my phone and hugged it to my chest.

"I'm so sorry baby." I slipped it into my pocket and looked around desperately for my keys. I grabbed a fabric and yelped noticing its Colton's shredded boxers.

"Shit, I didn't know I was wearing my favorite boxers!! There goes my Spiderman undies." I laughed and then remembered what I was looking for and started fake crying. "What?? What's wrong?" Colton said kneeling beside me. I cried out and wrapped my arms around his neck sobbing into his chest. I looked up at him and pouted my lips.

"I lost my keys and can't find them." I said in a kiddy voice. Colton looked at me his eyes trailing down to my lips. He looked back up to my eyes and laughed.

"you are dumb." He said and chuckled. I laughed with him and noticed something shining on a tree. It was hanging on a limb. 

I screamed and pushed Colton, he stumbled to the ground. I shot up and ran to my keys. When I got them I jumped up and down with glee. My happiness died down when I noticed a note tucked between my wolf chain.

Found your keys... And phone. Thanks for your number. Until our next meeting. Sweet dreams, mate.

My blood turned cold. I growled and stormed off heading to my mustang. Crinkling up the paper on my way there.

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