part 17

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This chapter is dedicated to sweetcandy33 since she keeps nagging so much. love you baeee enjoyyyyy

"Hi guys?" I smiled weakly waving my hand.

"name, rank and pack." One of the men said stepping towards me.

"And why should I tell you that?" I said putting my hand on my waist. Part of me wanted to run while the other wanted to know who these guys were.

"name rank and pack!" He yelled at me stepping even closer.

"Ash, delta and red dawn." I said crossing my arms. He stepped back a bit. His eyes flicked behind me. Then back to me. With two fingers he motioned the other two.

I turned and ran. I could hear them behind me. I forced myself to run harder. I jumped over some rocks and landed but stumbled. I rolled then jumped back up. I looked down at my knee. I cut myself and blood was dripping.

"Shit." I heard then turn with the ripping of their clothes. They howled with the smell of my blood. They kept pursuing me. I jumped up and in mid air I turned. My white and black fur ripping out.

Guys.. Dammit I.... Help! I tried mind linking them but I couldn't concentrate with the rogues close at my heels.

Guys please! I screamed in my head.

Ash? Someone said finally mind linking me. It was the alpha.

Zane please help. I'm being chased by three rogues I need you're hel-  I was cut off when one of the rogues snapped at my leg. I kicked out and hit him right smack in the face. It growled out and lunged again.

It landed perfectly on my back. I howled and tried to kick him off. I tumbled and we both went down. Dammit

Ashley! Where are you! Zane screamed in my head. I clawed at the rogue squaring him right in the face. He yelped and fell backward. I jumped up and ran again. The territory is looking familiar. I yelped in hope that I will survive. I jumped into our territory and stopped. I was heaving so hard.

As I turned to look at the rogues they passed the border like it wasn't nothing. I howled and ran again. My vision was getting blurry. I am not an athlete. This is to much. With a groan I fell forward. I layed on my side heaving. I couldn't get anything into my lungs. I shook my head.

I felt my wolf try to fight against me. To try to get up and move. I shouldn't be down. I should be full of energy still. I turned my head they were only a few feet away. I stumbled to my feet and started walking again. I ran a little bit harder but they caught up.

The one that tackled me, jumped on my back wranching me down. I snapped at his head and he expertly dodged it. He snapped and nicked my ear.

Zane I can really use that help! I yelled out.

Ashely?? I heard Jacob link me. Jacob!

Jacob I need help now! I'm being- I was cut off when the rogue bit down on my hind leg. I howled and inside I screamed.

Ashley?? I'm coming. I'm coming hang on baby please! Jacob yelled but I was to busy fighting the rogue up to link him back. I managed to wiggle out of his grasp and with only three feet I wobbled away. I started running, with one foot up it was hard. They chased me down and but down on my shoulder. They shook their head violently.

I felt my skin tearing as he bit down harder. They fling me to the ground where I layed there heaving violently. I slowly turned human. The pain to excruciating for my Wolf.

The rogue stood before me and growled.

"W-what do you want." I heaved out. He turned human and naked he bent to me. He whispered into my ear making me shake.

"Revenge. I want revenge, daughter of the moon goddess." He smiled wickedly and grabbed my neck raising me up. I kicked and tried punching him.

"what..." I breathed out. Daughter of the moon goddess what is he talking about!

He smiled weakly. "There there we'll take care of you." He squeezed my neck and pulled back his hand. He was then ripped away from me by a large black and brown wolf.

I fell to the ground. My body shook of shock and pain. Moon goddess. What did that mean? I wanted to yell and rip out my hand. There was a loud growl that made me turn my head. Zane stood there facing the rogues. One of them layed dead, blood pouring out of its neck. It's eyes were white.

The other two rogues scampered away. Zane growled again and turned to me. Fear took his eyes. I smiled. He cocked his head and began walking to me. When he got to me his snout pressed against my neck.

"T-There there... z-zane. I'm f-fine." I said slowly. I petted his head. He fell down and snuggled close to me. I breathed in his smell. Little shocks came through me. As Zanes huge eyes turned to me I stared straight into them.

My breathe hitched as more shocks ran through my body. With one violent shock I stopped shaking and my body slowly healed. When I looked back Zane was growling.

He turned human and without caring that we were naked pulled me close to his body. A little tingling sensation went through my body with his touch.

"Mine." he growled out. I looked up at him confused.

"My mate." He said and his lips crashed onto mine.

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