Part 28

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I stood there weeping into his arms. Arms that I would have never thought of being in again.

As I leaned back Zanes hand clutched my neck and brought me up for a long, addictive kiss. I soon fell in deep pleasure into the kiss and soon felt myself hissing him back just as forcefully.

We finally parted to catch our breathes. He leaned his forhead on mine.

"I missed you so much." He whispered slowly. I blinked and smiled.

"You don't even know how much i missed you, Zane." I said pulling him into a hug.

"Come." Zane said pulling on my arm. He lead me upstairs and into his room. I looked around at my surroundings. It's been a long time. I wonder how long exactly. I know it's been around 2 months. I'm almost positive.

"2 months,, 5 days and 12 hours...." Zane said slowly as if reading my mind. His eyes sparked with sadness and anger.

"I love you, Zane Eden." I said slowly.

"And I love you, Ashley Eden." He smirked and I blushed at his last word. Eden.

He stepped to me and kissed my nose. He slowly slide down on one knee. I gasped and held back threatening tears.

"Ashely Landon, from the moment I saw you I knew I will never love anyone else as I love you. That moment I heard you growl out because of jealousy I felt as my heart will break of I ever hurt you." Zane took in a long deep breathe. "I swear Ashley, I know these past two months was a complete nightmare for you. But I swear to god I will never, ever give up on you. I will never forget myself on what happened to you. I spent day after day. Screaming and begging for you. And now you are here. Beautiful as ever. In my arms in my room. And I swear I will never let you go again." Zane reached into his pocket.

So from this moment on, Ashley Landon will you do me the honor to take my hand in marriage? To stay with me through the hard and rough days. To make me feel sane in the inside and outside? Will you marry me?" He opened a small box and inside held the most amazing ring I have ever set eyes on.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I nodded figuriosly. "Yes... Yes yes yes! I do I do I do!" I screamed as I flung into his arms and kissed him.

"You will never regret that... " I heard him whisper. "I love you, Ashley. Forever and ever."

Corinthians 13 4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, it always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails, but where there are prophecies, they will not seize; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass

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