part 18

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"Ashley?" a voice said Zane tensed up and growled jumping up to sheild me. As I turned to whom it was Zane blocked my view. I tried to step around him but he pulled me behind him.

"Zane." I growled out. Zane turned to me but kept me shielded.

"Mate,  your naked." For the first time since the kiss I noticed that I was naked. I blushed and tried covering my body.

"Here." a T-shirt and a pair of shorts  was thrown on the ground next to us. Zane scooped down to pick them up. As I looked up I paled when I saw Jacob standing looking awkwardly away from us.

As I slipped on my shirt Jacob turned. His face sent ice through my chest.

"Jacob I..." I tried to explain but Jacob held his hand up.

"Ash... I no longer feel a pull to you. Its faint but I know the reason why." Jacob sighed running his hands down his face. "Ashley I'm your guardian... Not your mate. Those pulls and zaps that you've had were only because you need me. That's why the mating process didn't work..." Jacob sighed and sat down on a log.

I blinked and turned to Zane. "Is this true?" I asked him. Zane nodded and looked down at me. "What happened then..." Zane looked at Jacob for a second and pulled me down.

"Sit." I sat quietly looking form Jacob to Zane. "Ashely you met me back in school. Your first day of school. We went through so much... At the end you yelled at me. Telling me to say it. To say it. So I did. And I regret those words with all my life, Ashley. I rejected you..." those last words made my wolf howl in pain. 

I curled up in a ball and began sobbing. Zane wrapped his arms around me. "Ashley I'm so sorry... Please... Please forgive me." I sniffed and looked up at him. His eyes were watering. An alpha crying... For me. I reached up and kissed him gently on his lips. He reached out and stroked my cheek as he kissed me.

"It's okay..." I smiled as we parted. I looked at Jacob. "Jacob the guy.. That rogue he said... He said I was the moon goddesses daughter... What did she mean? Am I really.... " Jacob looked at me and then looked away.

"yes... That is why I am your protector. Only a heir of the moon goddess gets a protector. I learned about it when I was talking to a person. Anyways your not alone. There's another guy. He... He is the moon goddess's son."

I looked from Jacob to Zane in shock. "So... So what does that mean?" I couldn't stop shaking. Me? Moon goddesses daughter? 

"Ashley.. He's your brother." The whole world seemed to just stop as I tried making sense into those three last words. Brother? How... When... What!? I didn't notice I was blanking out till I noticed Zane shaking me.

"Ashley are you okay?" I nodded but my mind was still around that one word. Brother. 

"Where is he." I asked suddenly they both looked at me, confused. "Where is he." I said. My eyes narrowing.

"Uh....Ummm... He's an alpha of a pack. It's about a day or so from here." Jacob explained his eyes glancing at me. He was nervous. I could feel his nervousness.

"How do you know about him?" Jacob coughed and looked away. "Jacob. Tell me."
"I kinda forced it out of someone." Then the image of this morning came back to me.

"That's why you were bruised up in bed. When I woke up." a low growl came from Zane in the mention of bed. I slipped my hand through his and he relaxed a bit. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Yes." Jacob hesitantly said. He fumbled with his hands. "I found my mate." my head snapped up.

"W-what? " I said slowly. Jacob sighed running his hand through his hair. He has the tendency to do that a lot. It's rather unnerving.

"Her name is Tammy. She's... She's the daughter of a beta. A nearby pack. I met her last night. They do not allow me to see her."

My blood turned cold as I heard the last sentence. I shot up, Zane jumped with my sudden change. He stood up looking at me. "What the hell?? And why the hell not!" I screamed out.

"I... They do not accept me for who I am. I am the captain of our fighters and they do not have a special interest in our pack name..." Jacob's eyes slowly turned to Zane. Zane froze and sighed.

"Father..." Jacob nodded and looked to the ground. He stumbled up wiping off dirt. He looked devastated. For once I actually noticed how bad Jacob looked. His eyes were bloodshot red and he looked dead tired.

"Tomorrow I will have a little talk with this pack of hers." I said, no amuse in my voice. Zane looked at me in amaze. Jacob smiled and ran over to me enveloping me in a hug.

Zane growled pulling me away from him. "Mine." He growled out. After a couple of minutes we all busted out laughing. It felt good to laugh. The two most special people stood beside me. Enjoying each others company. Well I sure hope the did.

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