Part 2

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As I walked down to my second hour class which was some class called GT I spyed girls giving me death glares. I narrowed my eyes back at them. I frowned and looked from room to room. When i found it I walked inside.

When I sat down the bell rang. Beginning the class hour. When I looked around i noticed only 6 people were here. I leaned towards a girl with glasses and a long skirt that was so outdated.

"Where is everyone?" She turned to me surprised. She smiled, she had braces and a piece of leftover breakfast was stuck in her tooth. I shivered getting nauseated.

"It's only us." she said slurring her voice. I leaned back and looked out the window. When I turned back I got the girls attention back.

"By the way. You have food stuck in your teeth." I said laughing when her face turned bright red. When the teacher stepped into the classroom I immediately raised my hand.

"Yes miss Landon." the asked looking at me above her glasses. I clenched my teeth together hearing my last name.

"What.... What is this class?" The teacher looked at me like I was crazy.

"GT? Gifted and Talented. Apparently your top of your class during your junior year. Topping a great GPA score." she said with a smile. I gaped my mouth open. No way I'm gonna stay here. I ain't smart and no way I'm screwing up my reputation. I don't need a geek class weighing me down.

I got up. "I need to talk to the principal ." I said heading for the door. She opened her mouth to say something but the door closed before she said anything.

I walked done the hallway. How dare they put me in a geek class! I want a good impression not a bad one! I stormed off to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror till class ended and I made my way out. As I opened the door. A bunch of giggling girls came inside glancing at me and throwing me disgusted looks.

I growled and they shut up. I smirked and walked towards the end of the hallway. I was looking for Art. I looked door to door but couldn't find it.

I was thrown over someone shoulder and I gave out a yelp. "Hey there little duckling wrong way. It's in the opposite direction." Colton said smirking up to me. I huffed.

"I knew that. Can you put me down." his answer was to tighten his hands more securely around my waist and thighs. I starting hitting his back. "put me down, asshole!" I said intending to be rude but came out laughing. As I looked around everyone was staring at us. Girls were throwing glares at me.

As I looked to my left my nose was hit with the most amazing smell on earth. Kinda like forest, lillacs and a bit of roses. I felt my hands tighten around Colton's back. I growled my eyes turning dark blue. My nails extending slightly. Enough to make Colton yelp as I dug my nails into his back.

He put me down and looked at me. "What the hell was that, Ash!" I looked behind him and around the crowd. Where was he. I glanced around. Colton looked down at me confused. "Ash?" I looked up at him.

"What?" I looked around some more.

"It's him isn't it.... Your mate? " I looked at him with sadness.

"Yes.... Help me." I pushed past him looking around frantically. I can't lose him. The bell rang signaling third hour. I growled in aggitation. Colton came up from behind me grabbing my hand.

"Ash let's get to class. You have Art." I love art. I just can look for my mate later. I walked away. Heading to the door I past while ago. As I walked in I made my way to the back desk. I just needed to have some space. I looked down at my pencil.

"Okay class. Go ahead and start your drawings. Express what you are and what your feeling. Start." The art teacher said. I kept staring at my pencil when the door opened. Everyone looked up except for me.

"Zane!" a girl that was obviously a slut. I groaned but kept staring down. Until the smell came again. Stronger. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply in. My eyes glowing dark blue. My lips trembled and I looked up. My claws sliding out.

My eyes meet the most beautiful eyes. They were deep honey colored and just pure amazing. His face was like it was sketched out to perfection. He had dark black hair and he looked so muscular. The way he looked at me made me shiver from head to toe.

The blonde bimbo went up to him and started hugging him. A growl escaped my lips. Only my mate... Zane, seemed to hear. His lips pulled to a smile. The bimbo went up and slid her hand up his chest playing with his hair. I felt like slapping her. I felt like showing her who's the  boss.

"stop. Get to your seat Mr Eden."

Zane glanced at me one more time and went to sit down. The bimbo practically acting like a puppy followed him. He turned and not once did he turn around to me.

Honestly that made my heart want to shrivel up. I guess mates really do love each other a whole lot.

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