Part 24

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*A few days later*

"Alpha break in on the east and west boundary. Shall I inform our troops for attack?" Gabe said stumbling in the office. Zane and I were talking about future pool ideas. I wanted one but Zane said it will only distract our pack warriors.

"What? Again? Why are y'all letting this happen?" Zane yelled slamming his fist down on the table. I quickly ran to him and hugged his side. He calmed down.

"Alpha.. They've killed two of our spotters." Gabe said sliding his eyes to me.

"Is it the same pack?" Zane growled I stroked his arm. Gabe nodded and I closed my eyes.

What do they want. Why can't they leave me alone. I don't need them.

"Shit. Arrange meeting. In less than five minutes. Now." Zane sighed pinching the tip of his nose.

Gabe bowed and ran off. I turned to Zane.

"Zane.. It's all my fault. My fault those two spotters died." tears brimmed my eyes. I shook my head and Zane reached out and enveloped me in a hug.

"Do not say that, Ash. Don't say that." He murmured into my hair. I pulled back wiping off my tears. I grabbed Zanes hand and turned.

"Let's go we have a meeting." Zane nodded turning and slipping open a drawer. He pulled out a silver knife with a wooden handle. He handed it to me.

"Ash, take this. Just in case." I nodded and took it. I hesitated not knowing where to put it. Zane opened another drawer and pulled out a leather knife holder. He bent down and adjusted it to my boot. "There." He slipped the knife inside.

"Thank you." I pecked his lips and we hustled out the door.

When we opened the door leading into the meeting room about 6 guys stood there including Jacob.

"alpha. We need a plan now." said the second in command.

"Alpha they are closing in."

"We need to act fast."

"The women and children!" A guy desperately asked.

"Silence!" Zane's alpha voice boomed out. They immediately went quiet. "I need half the archery troops farther out. Make sure to have at least 20 out there protecting from each angle." Zane pointed to a man he nodded and quickly scurried off. "And you. " Pointing to a fit man. "You and your troops file 20 into 15 groups each head into different directions. Now."

The man nodded, hesitated but then shook his head and left. Jacob was one of the strongest men in the pack. He was obviously going to fight.

"Jacob you will stay with, Ash. You will protect her. Is that understood?"

"What!?" Both Jacob and I said in unison. He cannot make me sit on the sideline. This is my war also! He cannot do this.

"I will fight!" Once again Jacob and I said together. I glared at him and drew my attention back to Zane.

"I cannot risk your life, Ash." Zane sighed turning to me. He cupped my cheek. "I need to protect you."

He let go and turned to the remaining men. He barked orders and they shuffled off.

"Zane you can't do this please." I begged grasping his arm. "this is my war. I can't just step back and see y'all get hurt."

Zane growled turning to Jacob. "Protect her." He growled and left slamming the door. I sank down to my knees.

"Ash get up. We need to go to protection." Jacob said grabbing my arm. "I need to find Tammy." I nodded and we shuffled off to the dorm rooms. He opened his and my old room. Tammy was fast asleep on the bed. She was curled up in a little ball.

Jacob walked to her side and shook her. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and smiled to see Jacob there.

"Jacob, babe what's wrong?" She asked stretching. She only had her undergarments on. When she focused her attention to me she quickly grabbed the sheets and tried covering her body. Her cheeks turned bright red. "I am so sorry, Luna." She quickly said jumbling her words.

"Shh it's okay." I said smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Love, we are being attacked. We need to get to the cells. Now." Both I and Tammy looked confused.

"The cells?" Whispered Tammy. Reading my mind.

"That's where it is most safe. Grab your things Tammy. We need to go. Now." He quickly got up and grabbed the nearest bag.

"Why a bag?" I asked.

"Most wars can last a day or more. Last one we had lasted 3 days. At least we had new recruits to replace the injured one each minute." Jacob grunted grabbing clothes and stuffing them in the bag.

"I'll go get mine." Jacob nodded and grabbed more clothes. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my bag and stuffed a few things. I change my shirt into a tanktop. I kept my skinny jeans on and my boots.

I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I stopped at Jacob's floor and thought. We need food. I still had a lot of space in my bag. I ran down one more lot of stairs and went to the fridge. I unzipped my bag and slipped in cokes and water.

I ran up to the pantry and grabbed cookies and crackers. Anything that was able to be eaten without cooking or heating it.

"They can thank me later." I mumbled to myself. As Luna I can do at least one thing right. I started to jog back up the stairs and we saw something flicker outside the kitchen door.

I snapped my head to see what it was. A pair of honey colored eyes met mine. I sighed in relief.

"Zane." I whispered out and ran to the door. I flung it open and stopped dead in my tracks. My heart pounded deep in my chest. Not Zane not Zane.

Low growls escaped the Wolf's mouth. He was the same size and the same fur color as Zanes. But I knew this was not him. The fierceness Im his eyes made my blood turn cold.

"Mason.." My old alpha. I couldn't stop his name slipping from my lips. This couldn't be happening. No. No. Please let this be a mistake. I turned to scream but something clashed into my back. Making me fall knocking my head on the cement patio.

I casted my eyes down to see blood drip to the ground. I turned and fell on my back. I looked up. Mason peered down at me.

"Alpha?" I gasped out. He smiled wickedly and punched me hard on my head. I whimpered and my eyes rolled back. I read dragged into darkness. With one last thought in my head.

Forgive me, Zane.

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