Part 11

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As we made it inside the club there were bodies everywhere. "This is a dance?" Jacob shrugged and dragged us to the bar.

"two beers please." Jacob said. He gave me a beer and I took a small drink. The taste of it made me wanna puke.

"Anything else thats good?" Jacob smirked.

"There's wolfsbane.. It makes you drunk as hell." I shook my head. I didn't want to get drunk. After Jacob chugged down his beer I dragged him to the dance floor. I started dancing and he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

He growled whenever a nonmated guy got to close. I started backing up against him and he groaned in my ear.

"Don't do that." I smiled and backed up again and started sliding down. A deep growl made its way through his lips.

He took my hand and pulled me away. We found the nearest door and walked in. He was on me on the minute the door closed.

I pressed up against the wall. My breathing became ragged and fast. I moaned as he pressed his lower part between my legs. I was about to say his name when the door flew open.

I screamed and Jacob turned around and growled. I was dropped to the floor. My butt hitting the hard ground to hard. I groaned and slid up.

"My hero." I mumbled rubbing my butt. Jacob turned and looked worried. I waved my hand. "I'm fine." we turned towards the person that barged in. It was one of Jacob's men. Jacob was a fighter. He was the captain. I forgot to say that. Woops. Anyways the man turned his worried eyes connected with Jacob's.

I knew they were talking in mind link and I hated that. Jacob turned to me. "Baby I have to go. Trouble on our territory. Rouges. Will you be okay?" I nodded and he scooped me up and pressed me hard to him. He kissed my lips gently and out me down.

I smiled and pushed him towards the door. "Go love before it gets out of hand." he quickly turned and left. I crossed my arms and walked outside. Everyone was getting hot and heavy in the floor so I made my way to the bar.

"One coke please." I muttered out. I had no one I knew here. Colton was probably with Jacob or with his Alpha Zane. Since he became beta I hardly see him anymore.

I was sipping my coke when a guy around my age or a bit older sat beside me. He leaned in and I sensed him smelling me. He was checking if I was mated or not.

I tensed up. Jacob never marked me so I was unmated. Even though we have mates we have to go through the mating cycle in order to have mated.

"Hey, pretty lady." he smiled. His teeth were perfectly straight and crystal white. I got up and turned. He hand caught my wrist. I tried pulling it out. His grip only tightened harder. I whimpered. I didn't have anyone here to help me.

I pulled again but he didn't let go. Only pulled me close to him. His breathe reeked of beer. He was dead drunk.

I whimpered again and tried breaking free of his grasp. "Leave me alone. I have a-.. " I was cut off when he pulled me to a dark hallway right by the bar. He pressed me against the wall. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Somehow I was to petrified to talk.

He started kissing my neck. I was getting sick of this. I kneed him where the sun don't shine and he groaned. He looked at me with pure anger.

I punched him in the face and ducked when he tried lunging for me. I jumped out of the way when he stumbled towards me. I kicked him in the ass and he fell to the floor. With a grunt he got up and grabbed me by my neck and pulled me up. My feet couldn't connect to the floor.

I couldn't breathe. I started kicking him but he flung me to the wall. I tried sliding back up but he was in me again. He pulled me up by my neck and held me up.

"You dumb bitch!" I pounded me into the wall. I threw back my hand and aimed for his face. He caught it and squeezed his hand. I heard a crack and pain shot up my hand. I wanted to scream but I couldn't breathe. He still had me by my throat and he let my hand go and I let it fall to my side.

I was slowly blacking out. I saw Zane behind the guy he was walking up fast and he looked angry. He grabbed the guy from his neck and pulled him back. He stumbled back and fell to the ground.

When he saw it was his alpha he quickly git up and ran. Zane growled after him and turned to me. He frowned.

"You didn't fight back." I breathed in getting my oxygen back in.

"The hell I didn't. If he didn't grab me by my fucking neck i wouldve had him." tears sprung my eyes when I tried moving my hand. I looked down and I saw all my fingers bent in the wrong direction.

Zane glanced down and grunted. "Yep you so had him." He motioned me up and I got up. I growled but he didn't turn as he walked down the hallway. We turned to a room and he closed the door behind us. I looked around it was an office.

"We shouldn't be here." Zane laughed and looked at me. I shivered by his stare.

"I own this club, girl." I felt stupid. Of course he did, he was alpha for god's sake.

He walked to me and grabbed my hand. I yelped when pain shot up my hand. He was trying to bend my fingers back. He glanced up to my eyes and sighed. He looked sad. He glanced down to my lips and I turned away. He shook his head and began fixing my fingers.

I screamed each time he tried reorganizing them. I slid down on my knees. The pain was hurting. But if I didn't bend them back to the correct way they wouldn't be able to heal fast enough.

I was shaking with pain and the door flung open. Jacob stood there anger flashing in his eyes. He saw Zane holding my hand and me on my knees. He took it the wrong way. He ran to us and pushed Zane hard onto the ground.

I screamed when Zane was flung back because he was still holding on to my hand. Zane and Jacob toppled over each other and I whimpered in a corner.

"stay away form my mate. You gave her up. Shes mine." his words hit a nerve on me. He gave me up? What the hell did that mean?

"You dumbass I was helping her!" Zane growled out. They stood up facing each other.

"she has me!" Jacob said he was pissed off and bad.

"Where the hell where you when she was getting groped up by a man and almost killed!" Jacob turned to me and saw I was clutching my hand and tears streamed down my face.

"Ash..." Jacob turned to me and started walking to me. I began to whimper and tried scooting away. "No baby, its me... Your mate. It's okay it's okay." He dropped down beside me and motioned me closer. I looked into his eyes and then scooted closer he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

I hissed as the pain came back in my hand. Jacob looked down and grabbed my hand gently. He looked into my eyes. "This is gone hurt baby." I pulled all my fingers back in one swift move. I screamed bloody murder and fell against Jacob as my hand started to reform again. The pain leaving easily.

Jacob wrapped his arms around me rocking me gently. "I'm sorry." he said in a deep voice. He was talking to Zane.

"It's fine your taking care of her more than I could've." Zane mumbled out.

I turned to him my face showing confusion.

"What do you mean more than I could've?" I said and both guys looked at each other then to me. Fear in Jacob's eyes and Regret in Zanes.

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