Part 22

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Zane brought me back up to our room and layed me down on the bed. I snuggled against the covers and sighed.

"Why me, Zane?" I groaned out. The bed dipped as Zane layed down beside me. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. I looked into his eyes. He brushed a loose hair out of my face.

"I don't know Ash.. But I swear on my life I won't let them harm you in any way." I smiled and his eyes swept down go my lips. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him close. My lips brushed against his.

A gentle growl escaped his lips. I smiled into his kiss as he kissed me lightly. We were getting hot and heavy when Zane pulled back. I pouted my lip.

"What was that for. Come back." I lean back in to kiss him, but he just pulled back again. His eyes were pitch black with lust. I shivered as his hand slide up my thigh. His hands came in between my thighs. My breathe hitched as he went up.

"Ashley.." He groaned out. My heart raced and I closed my eyes. "Let me Mark you mine." I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. I nodded and he smiled.

He put me under him and he hovered over me. Tingles shot through my body as he slid his hands up my side. I shivered and he reached down and kissed my lips then chin and down my throat. One he was at my sweet spot where most mating marks are at he kissed it slightly. I shivered and moaned gently.

"Zane..." I said slowly and it seemed to get aroused. His canines slid out and he bit into my neck. I screamed as pain shot through my neck. Soon my screams began moaning and pure pleasure as he licked my blood away.

Zane pulled back and stared deep into my eyes. "I love you, Ash." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you, too." I whispered back and he kissed me again. I didn't faint this time. I didn't blackout. I was in a perfect bliss of happiness.

After a while my stomach began growling again. Zane laughed and we both got up and went down to the kitchen. Three omegas where making dinner and they slid a plate just for me. It had veggies and a steak. I thanks them and both Zane and I went into the lounge.

Zane immediately went to talk to Colton whom was at the far end of the lounge. I avoided eye contact with him. I sat down on a love seat just a few inches away from the TV and turned it on. I flipped the channel to a show where they show funny incidents about what humans do.

There was one where a boy jumped off the roof of his house into a trash can. I giggled loudly. "Who does something like that." I was still giggling when I heard someone chuckle behind me. As I turned I noticed it was Gabe. The warrior that was outside my door. I learned his name from Zane.

"Oh! Gabe hey." I smiled and waved like an idiot. He smiled and sat down beside me on the love seat.

"Hello, Luna." Gabe said nodding his head in respect. I shook my head.

"Don't call me Luna please." Gabe nodded and turned to me with a smirk.

"How's that tooth of yours?" Gabe said crossing his arms.

I slid out my canines. "Better to rip off your head." He laughed and I couldn't contain my laughter. I also laughed with him.

"Hey wanna play? Gabe said reaching out and getting a WiiU game control out. He shook it and I smiled. He looked through the games till he found a game. A fighting game apparently.

By the 3 round I kept losing. I growled in frustration and I was about to chunk the control when Gabe reached out and grabbed it. "I don't think you should throw that." He said smirking. I scoffed.

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