chapter 8

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hope you all enjoy this chapter :]

3rd pov

They all walked in awkward silence until Sam asked Dream "so, what exactly do you hope to find?". Dream answered him quickly "Find your answers, so I can go back to my cell and not deal with anymore sh*t" After his answer the awkward atmosphere was back. Sapnap wanted the atmosphere gone so he looked around and said to the others that this here looks really mysterious. Quackity agreed with him while Dream said "Well, everyone has secrets to hide. . . Some stay hidden and some eventually come to the light."

Sam was answering with like yours. That's when Dream's atmosphere went cold and he said that they needed years to find out why he did what he did.

After this, the atmosphere around them went back too awkward. Quackity couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore so he asked when they were in the secret room. That's when Dream suddenly hit something that turned the lights on. Everyone was in shock there were books almost everywhere, you could hear a portal underground, and at the corner of the room was a locked chest.

Quackity's pov

I walked around the room like the others did and looked at one of the many framed books with the name 'the village that went mad'. What?

Sapnap's pov

I walked to Sam who was looking at a book named 'the masquerade'. On the cover, there was Karl with a mask and some other people but something seemed felt off about this book. I walked with Sam to the next book 'the wild west' and again Karl was on the cover. Why was Karl on all the covers...

"Sapnap come here!"

I looked up to see who had called for me and saw Quackity standing at one of the books. I walked over to him and looked at the book he was starring at. The cover had me in it... but I don't remember going to the beach with Karl, Dream, George, Bad, and Ranboo... I told Quackity this and we both looked at each other confused. Sam joined into our conversation saying that this couldn't have happened because Dream is in the prison. We agreed Sam said another thing about the books " But, all these stories. . . None of them look anything in a store and. . . Why would you guys be in a cover"

Quackity's pov

Sapnap talked with Sam about why he and some others were on this cover. I just walked away from them and looked at the cover of the book 'the masquerade'. I was taken aback when I saw someone who looked like Techno on the cover. I called the others over to look at him. I wonder how Karl met this Techno copycat.


We jumped at the sudden noise and looked in the direction where it came from. Dream dumped the chest that sat in the corner over and lots of things fell out of it. We quickly rushed over and looked at the items there was an old Hat, a mask, a seashell, golden goggles, a cowboy hat, a fake skull, and an old gladiator bow.

"What is all this stuff? Do they belong to Karl?"

"Idk Sap, I never saw this stuff before but, Look! this mask looks like the dude that was on the masquerade cover was wearing. And this had looks like the hat of the child on the cover of the village that went mad.

Sam suddenly said

"Wait, the bow should not be here it looks ancient how did he--?"

When Sam wanted to finish what he said, Ranboo ran into the room while yelling



sorry for the mistakes I hope you all have a great day/night

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