Chapter 9

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hope you all enjoy this chapter

3rd pov

After Ranboo ran in while yelling Guys, George soon followed behind him. They both looked exhausted. Ranboo looked at the covers and saw the cover he was searching for

"Guys! I just realized something for once! OK-You know that guy on the cover with a mask that looks like Techno"

Everyone nodded. Then Ranboo showed them a sketch from the Techno copycat.

(that's the sketch just in black and white also credits to the Artist okkariko on Instagram)

(that's the sketch just in black and white also credits to the Artist okkariko on Instagram)

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"Wha- Why is there a sketch of him?" Sapnap asked confused.

"Wait is there any name standing there in the corner or anywhere," Quackity said to Ranboo.

"hmm let me look"

And so Ranboo searched for a name or anything. He found it and so he read aloud

'Sir Billiam The Third. Hosted a Masquerade with his close friends and his Butler. Only one guest did not seem to be anyone Sir Billiam knew, but the party went on.',

"what? An unknown guest"

Sapnap's pov

We were all shocked. But suddenly I realized something " Wait... the one he didn't know... That could be Karl!" I said. Everyone was now looking at me and was probably thinking about what I just said. Quackity was the first one speaking "But why would he go to a Masquerade of somebody he doesn't know? Also, Ranboo can you show us the other people and their names?"

Ranboo's pov

I did as Quackity told me and read the other names out loud 'Robin. . . James. . . Hegla. . . Charles. . . Watson. . . Jack. . .' I was just as confused as the others (-Dream) We looked at each other and I'm sure that we all thought the same, Wha are these people?

Sapnap looked at Dream and asked him "Do you know anyone of these people?"

Dream sighed and told us "He. . . Talks about them sometimes. . . Either he misses them. . . Or fears them." Fear why would he fear some of them that's all that goes through my head.

3rd pov

Sapnap came up with an idea "Ranboo! Look if there is any difference to the sketches maybe Karl gave the ones he feared and other symbols than the ones that he misses."

Ranboo quickly did so and comperated the sketches from sir Billiam and someone named James.

(this is the sketch of James again in black and white credits to the Artist emilo xd on Twitter)

(this is the sketch of James again in black and white credits to the Artist emilo xd on Twitter)

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Ranboo compared these pages and saw something on the backside of each drawing a symbol. Sir Billiam had a skull as the symbol and James a feather. "Guys Look I found the symbols! and with the symbol a description 'Sir Billiam was one of the previous guardians of The Egg. He knows he is infected but embraces it and feeds it, like Bad does, his Butler may also be infected but unwilling. I have no idea what its origin is, but it's dark and sinister. I wish I could have saved those people, I hope they found peace. .'

Everyone (-Dream) was shocked about it and felt bad. Nobody (-Dream) wanted to believe that these People were Dead. Ranboo looked at the pages again of the two and found something shocking "Gu-Guys this masquerade was in the year 1910 (just took a random year that is in the past) H-how did Karl write this?"

They all looked at him and Sapnap stuttered out "M-Maybe it was a mistake and it didn't happen in 1910. I mean Karl and all of us weren't even born there-" Suddenly Dream interrupted him while holding a journal he said



sorry for the mistakes hope you all have a great day/night :] 

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