chapter 22

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

Karl's pov

I was shocked, I hope it isn't what I think it is but I have a feeling that it is. Well, time for more Ptsd.

At the egg

3rd pov

When they arrived at the egg they heard Skeppy yell "I think we should sacrifice him!"

After Skeppy said that Karl heard a painfully familiar voice saying "TELL ME WHERE I AM YOU, STRANGERS?!" Karl almost choked at his breath, he could never forget his voice, the man he fell for that night, the man that reminded him so much of Sapnap... All he could think of is him...

Meanwhile, Ant reasoned with Skeppy that this strange man that came from the eggs vines could be useful for them. Karl ran into the room where the egg was, to see him, the man he once loved standing there yelling " Back, the fuck off where are the others?!"

Skeppy was annoyed by the yelling man in front of him and said in an angry voice "Who the fuck even are you or the others!?" Skeppy was done with the stranger and got his sword out while yelling "I'm gonna kill him Ant!"

Karl was still shocked of seeing him there, he rubbed his eyes multiple times and still saw him standing there glaring at Skeppy. Ant already noticed Karl being there so he said to Skeppy again "But he might be useful like him" he pointed at Karl and that's when Skeppy noticed him too. the stranger also looked in the direction where Ant was pointing and was shocked to see Karl standing there " K-.... Karl?"

Karl didn't know how to reacted so he said "James, Hey. Been a while."

As Karl said that Sapnap and Quackity came into the room looking confused as hell about what was going on.

James was confused and said to Karl "I-You survived??!" Karl nodded while he grabbed James, Sapnap, and Quackity and ran out of the room as fast as he can.

"YOU FOUR GET BACK HERE" Skeppy yelled while running after the four. While the four ran away from Skeppy, Sapnap kept glancing sadly back to see his angry father slowing down because of Ant yelling for him to stop. But before he completely stopped he yelled "I will Find you all!!"

And so Ant and Skeppy disappeared.

At the community house

Everyone was out of breath from all the running. After they all took some deep breaths they sat down on the floor. Karl was starring at the floor while saying "They know. . . They have to know, Sir Billiam must have told them everything that psychopath!" James looked confused at Karl while Sapnap crawled to Karl and pulled him into a hug to try and calm him down. While Karl was taking a deep breath Sapnap whispered to him that they will defeat that b*stard ... Quackity also came over and joined their hug. After Karl was calm again he thanked his two fiances while they let go of him.

James was smiling at three, happy that Karl got over his death and found his true lovers. Sapnap started to a conversation with James "So hi we didn't meet yet I'm Sapnap and this is quackity"

"James. An old friend of Karl's. And a pleasure to meet you two." James smiled at both of them while Karl said "Yep, this is James. He was one of the people I met in the Masquerade."

"Ah, nice to meet you two" Quackity said.

Karl changed now the topic and said "so...explain now ?"

"Ah, right, I'm supposed to be dead."

Both Sapnap and Quackity said at the same time "wait what?!"

and so Karle explained with James "Right. Sir Billiam. . . Killed more people than just me." and James added, " I was one of the few that met their fate that evening."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Sapnapsaid to James while Quackity nodded to agree with Sap. James looked at the two and said " Eh. It's fine. Not like I had anything to live for at the end of the night. . ."

Quackity was concerned now and asked James if he was alright which he answered with " Sort of. My wife divorced me and took the kids because she found out I was BI..."

"Wait, that's why?!" Karl said. Sapnap was sorry for the man in front of him and he was furious about his wife how could she leave him and so he said: "that's sick dude, sorry you had to go through that..." Quackity agreed with Sapnap, it was sick to go through that, and just because he loves both genders...

James answered again with " It is alright. . . Although I would like to know why am I alive and Karl is?"

And so Karl explained to James how he is alive and that he thinks that James was an animated dead body while Karl explained this to James. Both Sapnap and Quackity saw how close James and Karl were and asked themselves were they really just friends? If they're being honest they were a bit jealous of James getting this close to Karl while he explained but they trusted Karl so they hid the jealousy.

Karl also explained that sir Billiam is back and so James said " . . . He's a spirit? And I'm an animated dead body??" He nodded and then continued saying "Yes, that explains a lot."

"The fact that you're taking this easy scares me about your life," Karl admitted. QUackity also says that it scares him too. Sapnap just shrugged his shoulder and said he would say the same thing as James if he was James.

the four of them, now waited for the clock to hit the time where they would meet all the others to defeat sir Billiam. While they waited Quackity asked Karl and James "so you two really were just friends?" Karl sighed and explained "well we both danced together a lot this night and before we all got together... James was my first true love...but after his death, I realized that I needed to move on and so I realized that I have feelings for you you two kind of helped me get over James death" Karl smiled at the two. " Well I'm happy that you moved on Karl, and I hope does two will treat you well," James said to Karl while smiling at him and then at Sapnap and Quackity. Both Quackity and Sapnap nodded and then it got silent. After who knows how long Karl looked at the clock and realized that they should probably start walking to the place where they would meet the others. So he told the others that they should start walking.

When they were almost there Karl suddenly yelled "Wait! How do I explain that James is a walking corpse ?!" Before James, Quackity, or Sapnap could answer him they already arrived at the meeting place, where the others were already waiting for them 


sorry for the mistakes and I hope you all have a great day/night

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