chapter 14

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hi I hope you all enjoy this chapter also thank you agrace932YT for helping me with the many new ideas for this book :]

Karl's pov

Today Sam, Dream, Ranboo, Quackity, Sapnap, George, and I met up to talk about things, like at the beginning, I, Ranboo, and Dream explained to everyone there that Dream didn't know for what he was locked in beside of that he manipulated Tommy and that he caused some problems.

Sam looked shocked he didn't know exactly what to say besides So, Dream didn't exactly know why he was in prison...

Sapnap looked sadly at Dream then seemed to notice something

"Wait does that mean that you don't know what happened at all?"

Dream nodded, Ranboo looked shocked and said "So...The notes, the smiley faces, It wasn't you?"

Sam looked confused to Ranboo and said how could it be, he was in a cell and no one would help him...

Dream looked at Sam and said "Yeah, I think that's where you're logical failed"

Before any argument broke out... Quackity simply changed the topic back to the smiley faces.

"So when Dream isn't behind the smiley faces your talking about Ranboo, then who is really behind it?"

3rd pov

Ranboo looked at Quackity and told him that he doesn't know who's behind these smiley faces. Karl looked to the ground while saying "There is one Theory"

Everyone looked confused to Karl so Karl continued

"Well, either someone on this SMP is framing Dream and messing with us, or Ranbob could potentially be alive. Because I don't how long an Enderman can live for."

Ranboo agreed with Karl and added that Ranbob could be living for several centuries.

Quackity was confused for a bit and asked Who Ranbob is again...

Since Quackity asked Ranboo who Ranbob was he showed everyone the drawing of Ranbob...

Sam was amazed by Ranbob's eye colors and looked at the drawing more carefully to memorize how Ranbob looked like if he ever saw him that he would know that it is him...

Quackity on the other hand was saying "He was bad right? But I need to say that he looks, awesome man!" Sapnap silently agreed with Quackity...

After everyone had looked at the drawing (-George because he's sleeping) Karl showed them the scar he had left from Ranbob... he told them about the two stab wounds that Ranbob gave him while killing him.

Sapnap looked sadly at the scar he was sad that he didn't notice the scars and Karl's mental state sooner than he did...

Meanwhile, Karl already hid the scar again and said "But, there is one thing I want to do with time travel is to, maybe. . . Help everyone when I can control it." Sapnap smiled at Karl when he finished talking but then Suddenly Tommy ran into the room while yelling "SAM!"

Everyone was surprised and they were thinking the same thing * well sh*ts about to go down*

Tommy was about to say something but then he saw Dream and so he stopped... Dream gave him a quick wave while saying awkwardly hi...

Tommy began to yell "WTF IS HE DOING OUT?!?!"

Tommy yelled so loud that even George jumped up from where he had slept peacefully.

Tommy didn't seem to stop yelling until Karl interrupted him with "Tommy let us explain" Ranboo agreed with Karl and added also that there was a reason that Dream was out"

Tommy just yelled "WTF" in response. Tommy turned to Sam and yelled at him "WTF?! YOU REALLY ARE A SH*TTY WARDEN?!" Tommy started to insult Sam. Ranboo had enough, he picked up a random glass bottle and smashed it hard on the ground while yelling at Tommy "SHUT UP"

Everyone was shocked by what had just happened.

Tommy tried to yell add Ranboo now but he didn't get the chance because Ranboo was already talking "I am done. I am done, with you, blaming everyone around you and never taking responsibility!! WHO WATCHES DREAM 24 HOURS A DAY!!? Not you. Sam."

Quackity agreed with Ranboo and told Tommy to just listen to their explanation...

Meanwhile, Karl thanked Ranboo for standing up for Sam. Ranboo nodded and then smiled at Sam. Sam smiled a grateful smile back.

George walked to Dream and stood next to him while Sapnap asked who was going to explain everything to Tommy.


sorry for the mistakes hope you all have a great day/night

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