chapter 18

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sorry for not posting for so long, I was stressed with school and everything :(

Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Meanwhile with Dream, Foolish, and Sam

3rd pov

"What a day..." Sam said, Foolish nodded his head as an answer while Dream began to apologize for what had happened... Foolish noticed that something was wrong, he knew something had happened before they came to save him and Eret. So he asked them if something happened before they saved them.

Dream and Sam looked at each other not sure, who should explain but in the end, Dream started to talk

" . . . Yeah. . . We learned why Karl wasn't always around and. . . Stopped him from doing something bad. . ."

"I see... what was the bad thing he almost did?..." Foolish looked at them a little confused but he already had something in mind what Karl could have almost done.

Dream started to explain again " . . . He was. . . Dealing with some heavy stuff involving Sir Billiam and someone else. . . And had a lot of unknown PTSD... We found him in the kitchen. . . About to kill himself. . ."

When foolish heard this he looked sadly to the ground while saying "...Poor Karl... has to through so much..." Sam nodded and added " hopefully we can help him through everything"

Foolish and Dream agreed, everything felt silent for some minutes until Dream said " Although, I am proud of Ranboo.."

Foolish smiled at Dream and Sam and then said "looks like I missed a lot"

Dream smiled back and said "yeah, Ranboo yelled at Tommy" Foolish gasped and began to ask "You need to tell me more did he insult Tommy too?" Foolish was smiling brightly at the two in front of him...

"Yep... He had a good reason, defending Sam" Dream said... Foolish immediately said "Did Tommy say something bad to Sam?! If he did I swear I'm going to kill him!"

Sam started to say "he just-" but then got interrupted by Dream saying "Blamed Sam for everything that went wrong in the prison. Even though it was Tommy's fault I snapped and killed him and Ghostbur died!"

Foolish got mad and said "Hey what! I'm going to kill this little-!" Sam quickly told Foolish "No, No! Please don't!" Dream on the other said was saying "Yeah, Foolish. Let the guy sluck, but when Puffy finds out."

Foolish calmed down a bit and said to Sam "Ok Sam I'm not going to kill him but if he insults you one more time I won't hesitate (?) to kill him and hear puffy's lecture..." Foolish was trailing of by mentioning Puffy's name...

"Death. That's what awaits him. And I ain't there to save his ass." Dream said. Foolish agreed with Dream... After some minutes Dream asked Foolish "So, how about you and Eret, how have you two been?"

"We have been good... until the eggpire attacked us..."

Sam nodded at Foolish's answer and asked another question after "How is their memory coming along?" Dream also added, "Yeah, I was surprised but I understand now why they didn't recognize me."

"They still can't remember me or us but I see the positive side of it... I and Eret became good friends and made new memories together"

I'm too lazy to write Dream or Sam said so I'm just going to take S for Sam and D for Dream and F for Foolish)

(D) " Yeah, but if we can get their old memories back that would be nice. . ."

(S)Yeah, it's good to keep old memories close to you, reminding you how far you have come.

(F) you two are right. . .but I just don't know how I can help them remember. . ."

Dream walked over to Foolish and hugged him while saying " We will find a way. . . I promise."

Foolish hugged back and said to Sam and Dream "Thanks you two.."


sorry for the mistakes hope you all have a good day/night :)

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