chapter 15

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another chapter today because I fell motivated :]


Karl's pov

I looked at Tommy and explained almost everything that had happened and how it isn't Dream who is messing with him, but like I expected Tommy didn't believe me. He asked me who Ranbob was, I told him but he just looked at me and the others like we went crazy.

When Tommy didn't believe me Sapnap told him to leave if he doesn't believe us and so Tommy stormed off to bother someone else. I just sighed and said Teens... Sam agreed with me.

3rd pov

Sapnap sighs and asked what they are going to do against Ranbob. Karl told them some facts about him, like that he could teleport. Sapnap then looked like he was in thoughts and said: "hmm Maybe he works for someone, I mean it's just a succession... but it could be maybe if he has bad memory someone told him to do something for so like that idk it's just a theory"

Karl was about to answer but Puffy ran into the Room yelling "SAM! THE EGGPIRE IS ATTACKING FOOLISH AND ERET!!"

Everyone immediately ran out from the house and to where Foolish and Eret where.

*At Foolish's place*

Bad had Foolish to his knees and was saying "Some God huh..." Meanwhile, Eret had Ant on his knees but their Glasses were smashed and the only thing he wanted to do was to hide his eyes from everyone there.

Sapnap's pov

I saw at Bad terrifying what happened to my papa. He raised his sword and was about to kill Foolish... Dream was yelling for Foolish. I was panicking so much that I accidentally fired fire in Bad's direction. But it didn't hit him it went 1 inch beside him...

Karl was yelling a Name I think it was "Billiam" and then Bad froze and looked in Karl's direction. I was confused why did Karl say to my Dad Billiam? Karl started to talk " I know this isn't Bad. A previous Guardian of The Egg would the root." Bad clapped and said some formal words that he would never say. I realized this before this isn't my Dad that is completely another person...

That Person which name was Billiam said some things I didn't understand but I completely snapped at him "WHERE IS THE REAL BAD?! O-or where you always Bad..."

Billiam laughed at me and said "No, no. You see. Skeppy, your father, wasn't the first under my corruption. It was this Bad. And I just, slowly pushed his mind to the point where it was easy to control his body."

I couldn't believe it... this Monster! is controlling my Dad. It was too much information for me... I was about to cry. . . but I couldn't show any weakness to anyone...

Billiam noticed how I went quiet and began to talk again "And I must say. Your Dad is powerful. I could sense much power from most of the individuals, including Karl. . . I didn't want to make it too obvious. Didn't I play the role so well~"

I started panicking Karl said something to Billiam but I couldn't hear him... I started to talk again my voice was shacky "N-No give m-me my D-Dad back you Monster!" I felt the fire on my skin. . .

Billiam looked surprised at the fire that was on my skin and gave a sick smile while saying " Hm. You must the son of them. He always cared about you."

3rd pov

Karl started to threaten Billiam while giving Foolish a sign to knock Billiam out... Foolish quietly got up and hid Billiam/Bad so hard on his head so that he would faint...

Sapnap's pov

When I saw Bad fall to the floor, I was panicking even more... I looked up and saw Dream running to Foolish, Foolish smiled at him.

I went over to Karl looking at Bad and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore so I started to cry...

Karl hugged me and whispered to me "I'm sorry. . . I'm so sorry you had to hear and learn that. . ."

I hugged Karl back and cried onto Karl's shoulder. I felt another pair of arms around me and guessed that it was Quackity.


sorry for the mistakes hope you all have a great day/night

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