Poll Results/Block Soon Over

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Hello Hello!

As you can tell this is the poll results!

First, I'd like to say that all stories will be updated soon.
I've been getting some motivation and inspiration lately.
It comes and goes but I've been writing a bit more as the writer's block slowly disappears.

Second, thank you to the very few who voted.
It really means a lot to me that you want to read more of my writing and that you take the time to leave a comment and vote.
It really does, so again, thank you.

Now then,
then moment you might have been waiting for......

the winner of the poll is....

"Lily Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (Fred x OC)!
This will be a series one considering how I plan on doing the entire series!

The first part of this story will be published soon!!

Have a good day, night, afternoon! Whatever time you might be reading this as!!

Goodbye Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals!

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now