Chapter 4: Witch Attack and Love Moment

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I run to find both Shaggy and Scooby being attacked by stuffed animals due to the Crimson Witch.

The anger in me reaches max level and I can't hold it back any longer.

"No one messes with my friends!" I yell and tackle the witch to the ground and punch her in the face multiple times.

"She-Demon!!" Shaggy yells.

Him and Scooby grab my arms and pull me off and away from the witch even though I'm struggling against them, anger still high.

The witch gets up and sends a blast at us, sending us flying.

Scooby and Shaggy get thrown into the drum ride and the ride turns on and they start spinning quickly.

I get blown into a stand with darts flying at me.

I dodge most of them but one hits my cheek.

"Scoob, look! It's KISS!" I hear Shaggy scream and look to see KISS glowing.

'What the?!' I watch as each of them show off their powers. 

'Awesome...' I think as I watch in awe.

Spaceman, who is glowing blue, sends electricity from his hands to the ride, shocking the entire thing, which makes the ride stop.

The witch flies out of the ride with a glowing scythe, and Catman, glowing green, jumps up at her and slices at her.

Her scythe breaks in half but it doesn't affect her and she starts spinning both halves quickly, making them look like a blur.

Demon, glowing red, shoots a giant stream of fire at the witch.

"Wicked..." I whisper in awe at the fire.

The fire burns the witch's scythe to ash and she takes off in the sky again.

Starchild shoots a purple star eye beam as he glows purple, which causes the witch to fall back to the ground.

"You'll never stop me!" The Crimson Witch says as she shoots smoke at the ground and disappears.

KISS flies off and the gang comes running around the corner.

"We heard the commotion! Are you guys okay?" Fred asks as I step out from the stand.

"I'm just peachy..." I grumble.

"Hey, man.." Shaggy chuckles as him and Scooby wiggle from dizziness."Did anyone catch the license plate number on that witch?"

Both of them fall against Fred and pass out.

"Geez, these two.." I take Shaggy and put him on my back.

We carry them to the infirmary and put them on two beds.

KISS and Chip walk in and look at us.

3rd Person POV:                                                                                                                    "Poor Scooby and Shaggy, they're still out." Daphne says with her hand on Scooby's forehead. 

"Pardon me, Chip McGhoo, Kiss Road Manager, Executive Officer of Merchandise. These KISS smelling salts work twice as fast and they're only..."

"Shut your trap, we ain't interested in buying what you're selling. Besides, they won't work on these two," Ember says with a slight growl in her voice.

Chip backs off and Daphne just smiles at Ember.

"Nice one Ember." Daphne says.

"Thanks." Ember says as she leans against the wall.

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now