Chapter 6: KISSteria

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Ember's POV:

I'm sitting on the floor of the giant guitar shaped ship. Daphne and Velma keep trying to help me, but I shrug them off.

"I'm fine guys. Don't worry so much." I say with a smile.

The ship lands on the ground in a weird place that looks like KISS World but... stranger.

I slowly stand up, still holding my side. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I tense and look to see Demon.

I relax and let out a breath of relief.

"Thought you could use some help down." He mumbles then flies off the ship.

He sets me gently on the ground and walks to the front of the other 3 band members.

Daphne walks up next to me. "So you and Demon, huh?" She says as she smirks at me.

I blush and shake my head. "It's not like that Daphne. Cut it out!" I say.

"Whatever you say~" She says walking away.

We start walking after KISS after they say something about seeking the Elder.

"Where is everyone?" Demon asks. Just after he asks that, people like KISS start coming out from everywhere.

In front of them all is a very old woman, who I'm guessing is the Elder.

"A shadow has fallen across KISSteria and your arrival here only confirms the worst. The Crimson Witch has the rock!" The Elder says.

"I'm afraid so. We lost her in the portal." Starchild says.

"Then we have little time to act. Who are they?" the Elder asks as she looks toward us.

"Earth kids." Demon grumbles.

"Are they worthy?" She asks.

"Meh" Demon says.

"Their hearts are pure, their spirits strong." Starchild says.

"One is injured." Demon says and walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulder as he stands behind me. The Elder walks up to me.

"Show me your wound, child." She says. I slowly move my hand.

She kneels down and grazes her hand against it. I flinch at the touch.

"We will need to dress it. It might scar though.." She says as she stands.

"Sweet. Scars aren't bad. They are battle wounds that show what you have been through and show that you have survived." I say and her eyes widen. She then smiles.

"I like this one." She says and turns to Starchild and the gang.

"You children should prepare yourselves. If the Crimson Witch succeeds in releasing the Destroyer, he will engulf your world in a torrent of darkness and evil." The Elder says.

"I'm ready, your Majesty." Fred says as he steps forward.

I cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing.

'Dear god... Why Fred?'

"Is that makeup?" Daphne asks.

"It's a moon" Fred says as he walks toward the Elder.

"Whoa! Who hit you, buddy?" Catman asks, causing me to snicker behind my hand.

"No one." Fred says.

"Looks like a black eye," Spaceman says.

"It's not." Fred says.

"Nice shiner." Demon says, smirking.

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now