Important Announcement

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Hi, hello, hi, nice to see you whoever is reading this.

This book has a TON of reads and honestly that makes me very happy.
It was one of my first ones and to see it make it this far is amazing.

But I'm going to be re-writing it!

My writing style has changed and I've gotten better at it.
So I plan I re-writing this book and it's sequel.

I'm hoping that while re-writing them I'll get more inspiration and be able to write more for the sequel.

I stopped due to stress but I'm feeling a bit better now so I'm gonna try and tackle it again!

This book will stay up and I'll make the re-write a separate book.

Once the re-write goes up I'll put a notice at the beginning of this one so people know there's a re-write out if they wanna read that one instead.

I want to say thank you fo checking out this book and for all the reads, votes, and comments.
They mean a lot to see people like my writing since I work so hard on it.

Till next time, rockers!


The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now