Chapter 7: The Destroyer Awakens

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3rd Person: 

“Soulmate?!” Starchild asks, completely shocked that Demon has a soulmate. Even more so that it’s Ember.

“Keep it down!” Demon growls.

“You and Ember are soulmates? You barely know her.”  Spaceman says.

“Yeah I know that already! The Elder said it though so it must be true” Demon says to the three.

“Heck yeah! I am definitely helping plan the wedding” Catman says excitedly.

Demon growls at him.

A throat clears from behind the boys.

They all quickly turn to see Ember standing behind them with a nervous looking Shaggy and Scooby hiding behind her.

“What’s up with them?” Catman asks, pointing at the two.

“Oh nothing much, Wildcat.
They were wondering how Demon is able to breath fire. They are using me as a human shield.” Ember says while rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“She’s a REEAAALLLLL keeper, Demon.” Spaceman whispers.

Demon punches him in the arm.

“You might as well tell them, Demon, before we get another grocery list.” Catman says with some annoyance.

Demon sighs and crosses his arms.

“The secret to breathing fire is to swallow your fears.” Demon says proudly.

“Fears?” Scooby asks.

“Like, I didn’t know you could eat those.” Shaggy says.

Ember just rolls her eyes at the two.

“Swallow them up, hold them inside, and force them out as Demon-fire.”  Demon says then he blows a giant stream of fire.

Ember just stares in awe.

‘Beautiful’ She thinks to herself.

“Talk about your acid reflux.” Velma says.

“Fears, huh?” Ember says.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She then breaths out a stream of fire.

This shocks everyone around her.

She opens her eyes and just smiles widely as some smoke seeps through her teeth.

“Wicked cool” She says.

“She’s Demon’s girl alright.” Catman says to Starchild and Spaceman. Demon walks next to Ember.

“How are you feeling?” Demon asks her.

“Better than when it first hit.” Ember says as she looks at him.

Demon then smiles, a genuine real smile.

This causes Ember to blush slightly and look away from him and straight ahead. 

Ember POV:

“There it is! The Tomb of the Destroyer.” Starchild says.

“And there’s the witch!” Velma says pointing to the witch as she breaks through the barrier surrounding the volcano tomb.

KISS then takes off after the witch while we wait for them on the ship.

‘This place…. Feels familiar to me…’ I think to myself as I look around.

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now