Chapter 1: KISS World

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Ember's POV:
I was sitting in the back of the Mystery Machine with my back against the wall as we were making our way to KISS World.

I close my eyes, blocking out the ruckus happening around me.

I feel the van jerk due to Fred running over a pothole and I fall forward.

"Holy!!" My head hit against the back of the van wall.

"Sorry everyone!" Fred says, smiling.

"You did that on purpose!" Daphne says as she glares at him.

"Yeah, Fred, geez, I thought you knew how to drive." I say as I rub my head.

I hear Shaggy trying not to laugh as Fred grumbles.

Fred puts in his Ascot Five CD and everyone except him groans as the music plays.

"Oh my gosh, make it stop please," I groan at the awful music.

"Fred, please." Daphne says as she shuts off the music.

"I think they're twice the band KISS is.'' Fred says.

"Yeah, maybe in some parallel universe called Ascot Land." I say with my usual sass and sarcasm.

Shaggy just laughs as Fred glares at me through the rear view mirror. I just shrug with a smirk on my face.

I relax against the wall again until we get to the park.

I wasn't dressed up like the band members like the rest of the gang. Daphne was dressed as Starchild, Velma as Spaceman, Shaggy as Demon, and Scooby as Catman, coincidentally.

I was just in my usual attire. Leather jacket, red tank top crop top, ripped skinny jeans, and black combat boots.

We get out of the van and I hear Daphne say "I think I'm gonna freak out!" We hear screams as people are running from the park

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We get out of the van and I hear Daphne say "I think I'm gonna freak out!" We hear screams as people are running from the park.

"Seems like you're not the only one, Daph." I say.

Two guys come up to us and start screaming about a witch and how scary she was.

I heard Shaggy pleading for it to be a new member of the band.

"Somehow I doubt that. In fact, it's probably the reason we're here." Velma says.

"Not me. I'm here for the funnel cake." Scooby says proudly.

"Come on, gang. Let's get to work." Fred says and we make our way over to the front gate to find a grumpy-looking security lady.

"Sorry, but the park's closed." She says.

I tune out most of the conversation until I hear Daphne say, "The thing is... no one actually called for our help."

My eyes widen and I try to hold in my laughter.

"But I thought the chances of there being a mystery were high. I mean, we're the Scooby Gang, and it's an amusement park, right?" Daph says, defending herself.

"Wrong!" The security lady yells. "It's a closed amusement park. So go home!"

We all walk back to the van.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today.." I grumble as I lean against the van.

"Like, I agree" Shaggy says as he starts taking off the make up.

After everyone is done changing into normal clothes and taking off their makeup, Fred says, "Well, it looks like we'll have to sneak in."

"You're okay with this?" Daphne asks.

"Of course I am! It's a mystery, right? And mysteries are what we do." Fred says with a smile. 

"Alright! Look at Mister Ascot getting into the spirit of things," I say with a smirk and Fred just glares at me.

We find a way to climb over the wall and into the park without being caught. We sneak around until we hear the security lady talking to some man.

"I called for some back up." The man's voice says.

"Back up?! You must be kidding?! Sir, with all due respect, I am the chief of security. I think I can handle this... unusual situation." The security lady says. 

God her voice is so annoying...' I think to myself.

We listen to them until the gang splits up.

Shaggy and Scooby went to play some water shooting games so I stayed behind in the shadows to watch them.

I noticed someone walked over to the boys. It was the Demon.

Scooby looked at him confused then back at the game before shrugging and shooting the real Demon in the face.

I cover my mouth to avoid laughing out loud as Demon screamed in their face.

Shaggy and Scooby run scared and run straight into the security lady.

I groan and run after them.

"Idiots.." I say under my breath.

"You again?! I thought I told you kids to stay out!" The security lady yells.

The supervisor and another man walk out of the building the gang was at and walk over to the gang and the security lady.

"Don't worry, sir. Fortunately, I used to work for a government defense company so I know how to take down intruders." The lady says, proud of herself, and I just snicker slightly.

"Do you have a problem, miss?" She was glaring at me.

"Who, me? Not at all Mrs. Take Down." I say, smiling innocently.

The security lady, whose name is Deliah, keeps trying to get us to leave.

"But don't you want the crowds to come back to the park?" Fred asks.

"Oh they'll come back." A new male voice asks from around us but no one else is there. 

Then a loud explosion happens with smoke and confetti goes everywhere.

When it clears, I look and see none other than the band KISS posing in front of us.

"To see us!" Starchild says.

A/N-(Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing good! I also hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll post soon! Till Next Time!! BYYEEEE!!)

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now