Chapter 3: She-Demon

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Ember's POV:
Everyone was in the security room, watching a surveillance video of the witch screaming about a rock.

As soon as the witch got close to the camera, Shaggy and Scooby let out a scream and hid in one of the security lockers.

"Obviously, you've done this before." Demon says sarcastically.

"Yup..." I say with a sigh. 

Delilah stomps over to the locker and opens it.

"Get out of my locker!" She says loudly. 

Lady, you best watch yourself....' I think to myself.

"But it's so cozy." Shaggy says nervously.

She's about to yank them out but I step forward.

'That's it!'

"Lady, you best cool your jets before I lose mine." I growl as I walk over.

The band members look at me, shocked, but the gang just stands there.

"Excuse me?!" She says loudly as she turns toward me.

"You heard me.. No one messes with my friends like that." I glare at her, standing my ground. 

(Dont mess with a She-Demon!)

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(Dont mess with a She-Demon!)

Shaggy and Scooby can feel the aggressive aura around me cause they quickly get out of the locker.

"Like, don't push her, man! We don't need the She-Demon right now, Em." Shaggy says as he grabs my shoulders.

I keep my glare on her but calm down slightly.

"Whatever.." I walk back over to the group with Shaggy and Scooby.

"Give me rock!" the witch shouts in the video.

"It's like she's searching for something." Fred says.

"And I'm going to guess that something is a rock." Daphne says.

"What do you think about all this, Ember?" Fred asks as the gang looks at me.

I can feel the band members looking at me as well.

"I think she's a persistent thing. It's clear what she wants, and we need to stop her before she destroys everything in search of the rock, and this park closes." I say with a shrug.

The gang smiles and the band members look impressed, even Demon.

"Okay, like, good, you've calmed down." Shaggy says.

"Best watch out or I might heat up again." I give him a look but he just smiles, knowing I'm just playing with him.

"Do you think you can show us around the park?" Velma asks Starchild. "We'd like to see the places where the witch has been." 

"No problem. Right fellas?" Starchild says.

"Count me out. The Demon needs to feed the beast." Demon says as he walks out of the room. 

"Did he say.... Beast?" Shaggy asks with a whimper.

I just shake my head.

'Geez, such scaredy cats.'

"He means his stomach," Starchild says with a smile. 

Oh, then my beast is growling, too." Shaggy says as he holds his stomach. "How about yours, bud?"

"My beast is starving," Scooby says with a chuckle.

"Right, catch you later. It's beast-feeding time!" Shaggy says as they walk out the room.

"Ember can you..." Fred starts.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Go with them so they don't cause any trouble. Although that's impossible with those two." I say and walk out the room and go to find the two.

When I find them, I see they are crawling under tables to avoid Demon.

I see them go under Demon's table and my eyes widen.

'Uh oh..'

The table goes flying and food and a drink go flying all over Demon.

Demon gets angry and scares off Scooby and Shaggy.

I grab a towel from one of the stands and walk over to him.

He is about to go after the two when he slips on the spilt soda on the ground and falls down. 

"Here," I say as I reach out my hand to him.

He looks up at me, wide-eyed for a second then takes my hand.I help him up and hand him the towel.

"Sorry for those two. They get scared over the silliest of things." I say with a slight smile.

"It's okay.." He grumbles then looks at me. "Thanks.."

"No problem." I say and look around to see where those two went.

"Hey," he says and I look at him. "What was all that earlier and with the name the hippie called you. She-demon?"

"Oh... That's a nickname I've earned for myself with my aggressive nature. It happens whenever I get overly angry. I don't like when people mess with my friends and that security lady has been annoying me from the beginning. So messing with Scooby and Shaggy was the last straw." 

"Hmm. I see. Why are you aggressive?" He asks.

"Well...." I trail off. "I'll tell you later." I smile slightly. "I gotta find those idiots first. Bye!"

I run off in the direction I saw them run in.

I keep looking around the park for them.

I see red mist and see the witch fly off.

'Great... Now I gotta look for Scooby and Shaggy AND keep an eye out for the witch,' I groan as I walk.

"Ember?" I hear a voice say my name and I turn around and see KISS in different costumes than before.

"Oh, hey guys."

"What are you doing?" Starchild asks me.

"I'm looking for Scooby and Shaggy.." I say as I look around.

"You seem a bit distracted there, Firecat" Catman says and Demon gives him a glare after he hears the nickname which causes Catman to smirk.

"I saw the witch just a while ago." I say and his smirk falters.

"Where at?" Demon asks, taking a step forward.

"It was by the swing ride, I believe." He nods and then they run off.

I keep looking around for Scooby and Shaggy but have no luck.

I hear screaming and run in that direction.

"No one screams like that except Shaggy and Scooby."  

A/N- (Hey again! Hope you enjoyed another chapter of "The Fire in My Heart". See ya soon guys!)

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now