Chapter 8: Detroit Rock City and Witch's Capture

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Ember's POV:

The ship lands where no one can see it and Demon helps me off.

“We need to head to the stage so the concert can start.” He says to me.

“Got it. I’ll be in the security room.” I tell him and run that way.

I walk into the security room and see Manny Goldman, the park supervisor, on the phone and Chip McGhoo next to him.

“I know the fans wanna get in but I haven’t heard from KISS yet. Where are they?” Manny asks.

Demon appears on the security screen and says “We’re here, Goldman.”

He sticks out his tongue and winks at me.
“Open the gates and let the army in!”

I walk over toward Manny and Chip. Manny presses a button that opens the gates and the fans go running to the stage.

I watch the concert from the security room. 

{A/N - (Enjoy the video!!) }

As the song ends, I see the gang being carried by the crowd toward the stage.

I smile and wait in the security room for the okay to come out.

Demon walks in the room.

“Come on. Your friends are unconscious in the infirmary” He says.

I walk out of the room and he follows me out.

I walk into the infirmary to see he was telling the truth.

I hurry over and look over them for any injuries and sigh a breath of relief when I see none.

I turn toward KISS.

“Is it over now?” I ask and they look at each other then back at me.

“Not yet. The diamond is still missing.” Starchild says.

I look down then think for a bit before looking back at them.

“What are you going to tell them since you probably don’t want them to know about your powers?” I ask and they look around at each other in worry before Shandi comes in the room and holds up a baggy that holds a chemical sample.

“The chemical mist has properties that causes hallucinations.” She says as she hands me the bag.

“Thanks Shandi. Perfect timing” I say to her as she leaves.

“Yeah but what about you and your side?” Demon asks.

“Oh. I forgot about that.” I say as I look at the bandages. “I can say I got hurt by the witch when they passed out.”

I look back at them. They just nod.

“We’ll be on look out for the witch” Starchild says and they leave.

I wait for the gang to wake up.

Fred, Daphne, and Velma wake up first.

I tell them the cover story for everything that happened and tell them how KISS just left to look out.

Scooby and Shaggy wake up a little later and the gang tells them the story so I don’t have to again.

We all walk to the security room.

The Fire in my Heart {Demon X OC} (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now