Chapter Four

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I was woken up an hour later by Newt. He snuggled up next to me in my bed, ignoring Alby's protests. Alby was standing at the door with his arms crossed, I could barely see his face with the lack of light, but I could see the disappointment in his expression. I put my arm over Newt's abdomen and laid my head on his chest. I draped my leg over his and covered us both with the blanket. He put his arm over my waist pulled me closer. Alby left and was replaced with Minho, who smiled and grabbed his camera that the creators sent him (Apparently he requested it for *funny use* AKA: To take embarrassing pictures of other gladers and humiliate them) He took a picture of us and ran off. Me and Newt fell asleep rather quickly.

~The Next Day~

I woke up to the sun shining through a window above my bed. I opened my eyes and saw Newt, he was already awake and looking down on me. He started moving to get up.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him.

"To work, you have another job to check out." He answered. His voice was still deep and husky from just waking up.

"Why can't we just stay here for one day?" I groaned.

"Because if you don't work, then you get lazy. If you get lazy, then you get sad."

"Whatever." I sighed, getting up and putting on my shoes. We left the hut and a few people saw us, but not that many.

"So, which job am I on for today?" I asked Newt, which was a huge mistake.



It was only about two hours into working when it happened. The building was filled with smoke and people surrounded it.

"What happened!" Newt exclaimed, running up next to me and Frypan.

"Your girlfriend here didn't set a timer for the chicken and it caught on fire." Frypan explained.

Newt looked down at me with an eyebrow raised, waiting for my defense.

"In my defense, he didn't show me how to set the timer, or where it was, or what I was supposed to set it to." I blurted.

"Whatever, get the builders to fix this. Astrid, you're being switched." Newt spoke, ordering builders around.

I followed Newt around for the next hour or so, and then it was lunch. When I walked through to grab my lunch the cooks gave me a look, but Frypan smiled at me and fussed at the other cooks. I sat with Chuck, Newt, and Winston. Apparently some boy I hadn't met yet was a runner, so when it was time for lunch, they would introduce me.

After we ate, I followed Newt around for the next hour or so before he dragged me off into the deadheads. He took me all the way to the back of the trees to part of the wall. There was a small treehouse against the wall, it had a wooden ladder to get into it. Newt climbed up first and reached his hand down for me to grab it as I climbed the ladder.

Once I climbed all the way in the treehouse, I sat by the window with Newt and looked out into the Glade. Chuck was running around playing pranks and scaring other gladers since he was finished with his work. Gally was yelling at a few of his builders. Winston was taking a pig into the shack for reasons I'd rather not think of. The peaceful tone of the Glade was calming, until someone started yelling.

"GUYS, LOOK AT THE TIME, THE DOORS SHUT SOON!" The boy yelled out, catching everyone's attention. I identified the boy as one named Johnathan, he's a Slicer with Winston.

Newt checked his watch and climbed down the ladder with me following closely after him. We ran through the trees, jumping over fallen branches and under low tree limbs. We finally reached the edge of the deadheads and continued running to the door with the others. Minho and the boy I hadn't met weren't back yet.

"What are we supposed to do now Newt? Minho and Thomas are out there!" A boy panicked, I hadn't met him yet.

"You know the rules. Even if they are a few feet away from the doors and need help, we can't go in." Newt sighed.

I looked up at him and his eyes were glossy with tears, but he refused to let them fall. I intertwined our fingers, which calmed him down immediately. I heard a gasp and looked through the doors. Minho and a boy with dark brown hair were running over to us. The only bad thing was the maze doors. They were halfway there to being shut. Minho pushed himself to get out of the maze, pulling Thomas with him. They got closer and closer. I could feel the sadness in the other gladers that had lost part of the hope they had for the boys getting back on the soft grass. The doors were far enough apart that a person could fit through and make it to the other side. Since me and Newt were in the front of the group, I took a deep breath and started running into the Maze. I felt Newt grabbing me and yelling for me to stop. I felt another pair of hands grab at me, but I ran too fast for them to stop me. I ran though the doors, turning to the side to slip through the small opening at the end.

I got through and immediately fell to the ground. I could hear Newt yelling from the other side of the doors. He was pounding his fist on the stone and sobbing. I could hear the other gladers pulling him away from the wall and trying to make him stop. The sounds of newt got quieter and quieter until the were nonexistent.

"Congrats Greenie, you just killed yourself." Minho spoke, I turned my head to look at the boy.

"Oh come on Minho, she just got here, let her breathe. Remember when I got here and I ran in to help you escape a Griever." The other boy spoke, standing up for me. "Sorry Greenie, but he does have a bit of a point though, you shouldn't have ran in here, you're dead." He spoke once again.

I nodded in response and looked around the area. The walls went up incredibly high, I could barely see the sky. It had no clouds and stars shone brightly, my favorite kind of night. The peace was interrupted by sounds of metal on metal.

Click. Whirrrrrrr. Click. Click. Whirrrrrrrr.

She's a flame [Maze Runner AU]Where stories live. Discover now