Chapter Eleven

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I woke in a white room, solid white. I sat up in the small bed and looked around the solid white room. I moved my legs over the side and went to grab my crutches, until I saw they weren't there. I looked everywhere, all around the room to find that they weren't there. I went to stand, and to keep my casted leg off the ground. I stood but immediately lost balance and fell. I pushed myself up and flipped over onto my arse. I sat on the ground and looked down at my leg. It was gone. Completely gone.

I felt my breathing get heavier and faster. Movement in my peripheral vision made me turn my head to the right. I grabbed the corner of the white side table and hoisted myself up, leaning onto it. An aged woman with blonde hair, dressed in white, walked in.

"Who the shuck are you?!" I yelled at her.

"I'm Ava Paige. This is WCKD, World Catastrophe Killzone Department. You are subject A4, 'The Fighter'."

"What am I doing here?" I asked her in a stern voice.

"We needed you back, so here you are. You were in terrible conditions. Your leg was ruined. We believe that you are the key to finding a cure."

"A cure for what?"

"The Flare." She pulled out a small device that projected a holographic screen. "It all started when the sun-scorched our earth. Then the Flare came. The Flare is a disease that attacks the brain, makes people go insane. Then came along a new generation, one who could survive the disease. Immune ones, like you."

"How would I be a key to finding it?"

"You and Thomas are siblings, more specifically... twins." She spoke, pausing for an effect.

"T-twins? But we don-t even-"

"Fraternal. You don't look alike, not at all. But if you didn't notice, you act the same."

"But why did you take the others? Why not just me?" I asked her.

"If we just brought you, it'd be suspicious."

I grabbed the white vase that had a small pink flower in it, and threw it at her. She moved just before it hit her, but a small piece of the glass made contact with her cheek. A small amount of blood seeped from the cut. She opened the door and reached a hand out, hitting something. After she did, she stood there and waiting for just a moment before guards starting running in.

They pointed guns at me while a man in a grey turtleneck and black leather jacket. He pulled a white cloth rag out of his pocket and handed it to the woman. She wiped the blood off her cheek, staining the cloth. She then pulled a pistol-like gun from behind her and pointed at me. She pulled the trigger and everything went to slow motion. I barely managed to move away from the path. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw a circle-like object that shot out electricity. I looked back at the woman, barely holding my balance. She shot the gun again and it almost hit me. I fell to the ground, landing on my side. She walked closer to me and shot it one more time. I managed eye contact with her while I shook, the electricity sending waves through me. Tears spilled from my eyes like water from a faucet.

Everything went black. Complete darkness. It was like hiking through a dark cave and your flashlight going out. I felt slight poking on my arm, but remained in the black abyss. It was like I was standing there, I could move. I moved my arm up and looked at my hand. It was hard to see, but I managed it. After what felt like an eternity, it all went away. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't see my hand. It was all gone. And then, my thoughts went away.

I'm sorry about the small chapter. It's just a filler to the next part. I couldn't continue on through this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

I'm sorry about my wifi going out last week, so I'm posting this chapter too. I might be able to post the next one too, but I don't know yet.

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Even though I posted once today, I'm adding another question because I can.

Q: Would you rather kill Ava Paige and Janson OR Dolores Umbitch?

I'd rather kill Ava Paige and Janson. Because Umbitch would be sent to Azkaban and eventually get the Dementor's kiss and then she be dead.

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