Chapter Eight

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A week later


They finally allowed me to start running. Carl's banishment was moved to today after running. I ran the path that Minho had told me to go. I had memorized it after looking through the mapped-out maze a few times. I ran and ran, taking the turns as I remembered them.

Left. Right. Right. Straight. Left. Right. Straight. Left. Straight. Straight.

I ran to section 7, checking every spot for another clue on how to get out, there was nothing. I ran around the path Minho told me to take and there was still nothing. I looked at the watch he had given me, 5:32, the doors would close in about an hour. I panicked and started running back, remembering the turns back.

Straight. Straight. Left. Straight. Right. Left. Straight. Right. Right. Left.

I made it back about 10 minutes before the doors closed.

"You really cut it close, shebean. Too close if you ask me, Newt's going crazy in your hut." Minho said, causing me to run to the map room and update everything.

Minho had rearranged the room, putting the map in the middle, where it all happened. The chair was thrown out, along with other things that had no use anymore. Those items were given to the builders to use the wood for something else. I finished quickly and ran to my hut. The doors closed in about 2 minutes.

I opened the door and walked in, alerting Newt. He turned around and enveloped me in a hug.

"I hate you. You had me scared to death. I thought you were dead. I love you." He spoke.

"I love you too."

"You love me?"

"Wait a moment, did you just say you hate me?" I asked him, my hands on my hips.

He nervously looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm only joking." I laughed, making him laugh too. "I'm not joking, say it again and I'll kill you." I spoke with a serious face, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. I pulled Minho's camera out from behind me and took a picture of him, he yelled and tried to grab it.

"Minho!" I yelled out. He came to the door and I threw the picture and the camera to him. He ran as soon as he got them, Newt trying to follow.

I grabbed Newt by the shirt collar and pulled him down, locking our lips.

"You're not going anywhere." I mumbled, pushing him to the bed.

"I like the sound of that." He mumbled back.

We kissed for minutes, finally stopping to breathe before laying down and cuddling up against each other. My head was on his chest and his arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me in.


Three Months Later


Well, I'm no longer the greenie. We've had three more Greenies. Lewis, who is a builder. Kevin, who is a Med-Jack. And Casey, who still hasn't found a job yet. All three guys, no more girls.

I've been running for three months now and Minho and Alby made me the Keeper of the Runners since I've outran Minho several times and killed two more grievers when I got stuck in the maze again. It broke Newt's heart when it happened, but he made me promise that it'd never happen again. Little did we know, that promise would be broken.

"Newt, I gotta run now. Bye, love you." I rushed, eager to run section 1 again today.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

I ran into the maze, Minho, Thomas, and Ben following me. They all broke off to their paths, running to their sections. I got to my section rather quickly and decided to explore it a bit longer than usual, Newt wouldn't mind if I was a few minutes later than promised. I found a weird metal thing with a red blinking light on the ground, strategically placed. I knew what would happen, I was educated on spy movies from before the maze, it was one of the few things that I had remembered. I saw a broken piece of rock from the wall and went over to the metal cylinder. I quickly swapped the two objects, maintaining balance, and looked at the watch. I slid my back down against the wall and pulled out a sandwich from Fry. He had given me a few pieces of bacon, making me smile. I ate the sandwich and bacon, examining the object.

I continued exploring, the cylinder in my Runner's pack. I ran for hours before checking my watch again. I had 20 minutes to get back. Newt will kill me if I get trapped in the maze again, that is if I even survive it again. I ran faster than ever to get back. Luckily, section 1 was close to the doors and I saw the fellow Gladers crowded around the door, waiting for me. I turned around as they yelled for Minho as well as me. He was running from a Griever. Even if we both made it out, the griever would get out too. I grabbed my machete and ran back to the Griever.

"RUN MINHO, I GOT IT!" I yelled out to him. 

He ran out of the maze and joined the others in yelling for me. I decided to wait until the griever wouldn't be able to fit through the doors before running over and through. I barely made it through, the doors shut as I landed my foot in the grass. Everyone's faces were filled with horror, they were staring at my leg.

"What?" I asked them, before looking back at my leg.

It was between the doors. I screamed at the sight, the pain hitting me as the adrenaline went away. 

"What do we do?!" Kevin panicked, shaking Jeff.

"Get my damn leg out of the fucking doors!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. Newt was holding my hand as I squeezed the shit out of it.

The doors slightly opened up and the Gladers tugged on me, getting my leg out and revealing the mess. The bottom of my left leg was soaked in blood, the muscle and bone being visible.

"Well, that looks like shit." I spoke, laughing a bit before passing out, Newt catching my head.

Welp, her leg is fucked up, sorry for the short chapter, It was quick.

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