Chapter Sixteen

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"How exactly do you plan on escaping?" The spiky-haired boy asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "Thomas."

Thomas pulled out a key card and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I mumbled. "Aris has been navigating through the vents every night since we arrived. He knows exactly where to go in order to escape. We'll need to get a doctor or scientist, they'll be easy to manipulate. They'll walk us to where we need to go, we'll get weapons from the guard's weapon room, and voila, we're out of here. We'll also check for people we've lost, see if they're still around here." I briefly explained.

"I'm sorry, but last time we saw you, you had a cast on your leg and used crutches, what happened?" Blondie asked me.

I bent down and grabbed the end of my pant leg, pulling it up to reveal the prosthetic leg.

"They chopped it off and gave me a fake one. Then put me in another maze with Aris and the girls."

"What girls?" Thomas asked.

"The other Icers. Harriet, Sonya, Miyoko, Rachel, and Ximena. There were others, but they were the good ones. Beth was a bitch. She killed Ximena and Miyoko killed Beth. Rachel was taken by Ratman. And Harriet, Sonya, and Miyoko all stole the keycards from me and hopefully escaped."

"You call Janson 'Ratman' too?" Spiky asked.

"Umm, yes?"

The boy smiled and nodded slowly.

I rolled my eyes and clipped the keycard onto the waistband of my pants. I covered it with the blouse and walked over to one of the beds.

"What are you doing?" Blondie asked me.

"I'm gonna block the door, obviously."

I pulled the mattress off and pushed it against the door. I moved another two mattresses and a side table. As I did so, I grabbed the blankets and threw them into a pile, along with the sheets.

I grabbed each sheet and tied them. I made them into bags and used the blankets to make them thicker, each bag could hold a few items and a small blanket.

I handed a bag to each boy, keeping two for myself and giving Spiky and Thomas two bags as well.

"Put a small blanket in your bags. We have the sheets for bandaging if anyone gets hurt, the blankets to block out the sand from outside, and the bags to obviously carry useful things." I explained. "Let's go."

I motioned for the boys to crawl through the vents, Aris leading them through. I followed behind them, closing the vent once again. I followed them to the midpoint, we were above the cafeteria.

"I'm going to the kitchens, to of you can come with me, everyone else follows Aris. I'll meet you in the weapons room, 'kay Aris?" I whispered to them.

Aris nodded. A boy named Frypan and another boy named Winston came with me. We crawled through the vents for about a minute before stopping above the kitchen, no one was in there. I moved the vent and dropped down, the two boys following me. Frypan went through cabinets and filled his bag with food, Winston doing the same. I grabbed medicine from the minor medication drawers. It was all simple medicine, stuff like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and some other things.

I filled my second bag with bottles of water, leaving some room left in both bags. I modified the bag of medicine to tie around my waist and we went back through the vents.

The boys followed me to the weapons room and we dropped down, meeting up with the other boys.

Aris hugged me briefly and went back to grabbing weapons. I saw one guard uniform left, it was for a female. I grabbed it and went into the small closet in the back of the room.

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