Chapter Thirteen

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I turned around and skated through the maze, leaving the girls shocked. I glided my way across the icy ground before approaching the actual maze. It was vertical. I grabbed the ice picks I had stolen off of Miyoko's dresser, and started climbing the wall. I climbed and climbed, finding spots for my feet to sit. The cold hit me quickly, but I moved on. I found a spot and started climbing to the left. A loud screech made me stop in my place, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I quickly turned my head towards the sound and saw a huge bat-like creature.

It had sharp talons and large wings. It saw me immediately and flew over. As it got closer and closer, I grabbed my machete from my belt and braced myself for the impact. I released one hand from the ice picks and faced the Shade. It landed beside me and showed its teeth. I gripped my machete and swung my arm at it, cutting into the thick skin of the Shade. It let out another screech and swung its talons at me.

I held on to one ice pick and hung from it, missing the hit and readying the machete. I swung from the handle and kicked the Shade in the mouth. I pulled the machete back and sliced part of the wing, leaving a huge cut. The wing was sliced into two, leaving it to hang by a two-inch piece of skin. The Shade let out another scream and almost fell from the wall. I pushed off the wall and wrapped my arms around its neck, my stomach against its back. I hit the Shade in the neck several times with the blade before it managed to get me off. I grabbed the handle of the ice pick, barely holding onto it. I managed to get my feet back onto the small foot-holds I was originally at.

I threw the machete and hit the Shade in the eye. It fell from the wall and towards the floor of the maze. I looked down at it and saw Ximena and Miyoko standing there. I pulled the ice picks out of their spots and climbed down slowly. Once I reached the bottom, I walked over to the dead Shade and pulled out my machete, putting it back in my belt. I looked at the girls and rolled my eyes at their dropped jaw.

"How did you-"

"Easy. I've killed grievers. They were the 'monsters' in my old maze." I spoke, adding air quotes.

They cocked their heads at my words.

I took a deep sigh. "Grievers are huge slimy creatures made out of metal. I've killed five of them in my life."

"So you were in another maze? With boys?" Ximena asked me.

"Yes. Our leader's name was Alby. And our Keeper of the runners was Minho." I explained.

"Runners?" Miyoko asked.

"The maze was made of stone and concrete. You had to run through it instead of climbing parts of it."

"Wow. I wanna meet them." Ximena smiled.

"So do I. I only remember a few names. Nothing much." I spoke in a monotone voice.

"You're the key to getting out of here. I know it. Now, get us out." Miyoko ordered.

"You're a Skater now. Get to work." Ximena announced.

Ximena ran back through the maze, leaving me with Miyoko.

"You stole my ice picks." She stated. A pause in her words made me panic for a small second before she continued. "I like you, you're brave." She smiled.

I smiled back and handed her the picks. "Sorry. The answer isn't in the walls. It's in the snow."

She followed me back to the Ice and over to the box. I moved the snow from around the box and revealed a circle.

"It's a code. Eight numbers." I mumbled.

I looked up at Miyoko. "Eight number code. What is it?" I asked her.

She's a flame [Maze Runner AU]Where stories live. Discover now