Here is Kass' birth family :3
His birth mother: Renima Satka
She has a healing quirk, and uses it to exploit people for money
His father: Motsu Satka
He has the same quirk as Kass, which has been passed down for generations through the males of the family. He runs a crime syndicate in America, where he and his wife live. They are only in Japan to exploit their sons
Kass' blood related brother: Hori SinumaJust like Kass, he was abandoned in Japan and raised by someone else. However he was raised in a foster home, where he wasn't properly cared for. Nezu is in the process of adopting him too. He has the same quirk as his father and Kass. He is actually the result of his mother having an affair, so Kass is only his half brother. Just like his older brother, he is an Omega male, meaning he have feminine properties and would be the female in a relationship