Haunt, a born villain turned into a Nomu. He was born into a rich family who sold quirk enhancement drugs, and eventually sold him as a servant to whoever paid the top dollar. Not one hero ever helped him, ever noticed that he needed help. Until AFO had a bone to pick with the man who bought him, and came to collect owed money. Only to find a young boy covered in blood hiding in a tree outside, the man he was after dead. So he took the boy in, and called him Haunt, his first proper name. AFO only uses him occasionally, most of the time he does whatever he wants
Haunt has a rather violent quirk, it causes his hands to turn into purple claws and his eyes into a pure red color when using it. His claws can cut through anything, and he can float off the ground and walk through walls and barriers
(I was thinking he could wind up falling for Shizuka x3)