Just so ya know how all the animals Sam has look ;3 bonus is some backstory for them
The obvious ones are Pixie and Brutus
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Brutus was a K9 soldier overseas, he was injured pretty bad about a month before his planned retirement. Luckily he lived and was able to retire early. Sam actually knew the soldier he was paired with, who was unfortunately killed in the incident, so Sam adopted Brutus and brought him home.
Pixie had been left in a box in an alleyway, only hours after birth with three siblings. Sam took them home, but unfortunately couldn't save the other three siblings, but he kept Pixie and she doesn't remember anything about it, Because of her past Brutus practically adopted her and is always with her.
Next up is Sugar, a Siamese cat
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She's a rescue from a shelter, Sam found her while visiting a worker he's friends with, she was set to be put down in the next few days so he adopted her, he has a love for siamese cats anyway. She's a very loving cat, and Sam discovered she was pregnant when he took her to a vet the day after adopting her
When Sugar has her kittens, they'll be named Spaghetti (blonde) and Meatball (darker colored one)
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