So here's what I imagine Hadia's family to look like-
Obviously Hadia is sorta the father of the family
Then for some reason I keep seeing Eris as being this super tall and attractive woman, to contrast her tiny gremlin wife
Then I'll say they have triplets ^^ each sorta following the roles Hadia has
First up, Reko, the only boy. He takes over the role of Grim reaper and is considered a minor God. His horns resemble kitsune ears and his scarf looks like a tail
Next is Saudi, who I imagine would be pining after Thalassa x3. She's the Goddess of Loyalty, hence the reason she only pines after Thalassa and nobody else
And last we have Toka, the Goddess of Luck. She actually doesn't live with her parents or any gods, she is the queen of a mortal kingdom, given her title from saving the kingdom from death